Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768



      I am Favored with yours. There is a Detachment from Halifax Just arived. I propose to do my Self the Pleasure to waite on you tomorrow forenoon. Please to Excuse Haste & believe me Dear Sir your Most obediant Humble Servant
A. MURRAY.      

On His Majtys Service, to John Winslow Esqr Commanding his Majtys Forces at Grand Pre.


Memorandums from Govr, Lawrance.

      Capt Murray or Colo Winslow to Forward the Dispatches to Chignecto which Ever Can Best Spare the People for that Service. Colo Winslow to Send a Detachment of Thirty or Forty to Annapolis with ye Dispatches for Major Handfield, which Detachment is to remain with ye Major whilest he Shall have Occation for them. No time to be Lost in the Embarking the Inhabitants, that they Feed them Selves til they Sail. Otherways the Provissions ordered by the Government will be Insufficiant. That the Masters of the Transportes are Stricktly Charged Not to Suffer Many Inhabitants on Deck at a time for Fear of their Seasing or running away with their Vessels that the Setlers from Lawrance Town Lunenburgh and this Place now going up have Leave to Supply them Selves with Live Stock, Capt Murray is Desird to take an account of the Cattle Furnished to Mr. Mauger in ordr that the Goverment may have proper Creditt for the Same Capt Murray is to Send a party Twice a weak to acquaint the Lievt Govenor how Every thing Goes on.  
      If you Finde it Practacable, I would have you Kil Cattle and Victual the whole party with Fresh Provissions. if you Can Contrive to Serve Soft Bread also it will be a Considerable Saveing and what I Shall much approve, and by the First oppertunity Let me Know what Quantity of Fresh meat and bread Kinde May be Depended on for the winter &c.

GRAND PRE CAMP, SEPTEMBR 15, 1755.      
      Orders of the Day. That a return be made Tomorrow Morning of the names of and to what Company they Each man belong of the party Lately arived under Lievt Lawrance and also of those that Came in with Serjeant Beaman. as also to what Company those are placd, The Duty of Labour for Gathering in the Harvest to be Continued.


Camp at Grand Pre, Sept. 16th 1755. Orders of the Day. Parole Murray.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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