Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


DATED APRIL 25TH 1730      

      I Promise and Swear Sincerely by the Faith of a Christian that I will be truly Faithful and will Submitt my Self to his Majesty King George whome I acknowledge to be the Lord and Sovereighn of Nova Scotia



      The follows a Certificate from Monsr De La Godelis & Alexr. Nouville Preists who Certify that General Phillips Did Promise to the Inhabitants that they Should be Exampted from bearing Arms Against Either the French or Indians, and that they on their Part Did Promise that they would not take up Arms against ye Kingdom of England or its Goverment. Dated April 29th 1730

      No 2. Is a Petition to John Winslow, Esqr Lievt Colo of his Majestys Troops Commanding at Grand Pre

      Representing that the Evils which Seams to threaten them on all Sides Obliges them to beg your Protection on their behalf and that you will Interced with his Majesty to Consider those who have Invioblay Kept the Fidelity and Submition Promised to his sd Majesty. and as you have Given them to understand that the King has ordered them to be Transported out of this Province they beg at Least if they must Quit their Estates that they may be permitted to Go to Such Places where they will Finde their Kindred & that at their own Exspence. allowing them a Convenient time for that Purpose, more Particularly as that by that Means they will be able to Preserve their Religion which they have Verry much at Harte, and for which they are Content to Sacrafice their Estates, &c.

      1755 Sept. 12 Ordered that tomorrow be a Field Day and that officers and Soldiers be Dresed in their Regimentals and Drawd up in form in order to their being Exercisd, and that this be Done at half after six in the Morning Precisely. Parole Barnstable.



      13th The State of the Forces at Grand Pre

Colo. Winslows Compy . . .4 Serjts4 Corps2 Drumr &76 Privs
aded from ye Battn . . .1   "_   "_   "2   "
Capt Adams Compy . . .4   "4   "2   "76   "
aded . . .     "_   "_   "3   "
Capt Hobbs Compy . . .4   "4   "2   "84   "
Capt Osgoods Do . . .4   "4   "2   "81   "

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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