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vissions from their Frinds on Shore, Long to See Mr. Saul and the Fleet am Tyered with Complaints. Mr. Mercer will Inform you of all Perticulars, am Dr Sir with regards to the Gentn with you, your Most obediant Humble Servant
To Alexandr Murray Esq. Commanding his Majtys Troops at Piziquid, Forte Edward.
Sept. 12. Lieut Mercer Sett out In the Morning with his Detachment of regulars for Forte Edward & Took with him the above Letter to Capt Murray &c
I am Favored with yours and have Sent Down your Sick People. I Look Every Momen for a Party from the Matropolis. I Send Tomorrow a Party to the River Des Aigles, I congratulate you on the Embarkation of the French. I wish I Could Get rid of ours also. I am with Great regard Dear Sir your Most Obediant & Most Humble Servt
To Colo. Winslow Commanding his Majtys Troops at Grand Pre
I yesterday recd a Memorial in French from the Newtral Inhabitants which I Sent by Lievt Mercer to Mr. Deschamp to be put in English and From him recd this Letter &c.
Inclosed I return the Two French papers. I have Transcribed Into English the Estential parts by which you will understand what the Inhabitants would be att. pray my Complements to the Doctr &c
Sir, your Most Humble Servant,
To Colo. Winslow Commanding his Majtys Troops at Grand Pre
No 1. Is a Petition from the Inhabitants to General Phillips praying that all those who Should take the oath of Fidility to his Majesty King George May be allowed the Free Exercise of their religion and that Missinors may be allowed them, praying also a Guranty of their Estates and Possessions on paying the Custemary Quit rents. The answer Signed by General Phillips, is that the prayer of their Petition is Granted and accordingly follows ye Oath In these words.