Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


put me in a Capacity of Going abroade. I Ordered Lievt Lawrance to March yesterday at one o’ ye Clock. I hope he is now Safe with you.

      I am Exstreamly Sorrey to Hear or our Loss at Chignecto but it is the Fortune of War, the Lads will Stand Fire better another time and I hope will Soon wipe of their Scores at next Meeting.

      A Pannick will Sometimes Seize the Best of Troops, I had a Letter yesterday from the Govenor he gave me a hint a Party was Coming in a few Days. So Soon as it arives. I Shall Send Down the whale Boat to receive any Letters you may have to Send to Hallifax, as I Supose it only Comes for Letters, in Case he does not Send one to return I have Some thoughts of Sending Less Dernier but in Either Case I Shall Let you Know in time for your Commands.

      I am Vastly Happy to think your Camp is So well Secured it (as the French Said) at least a Good Prison for Inhabitants.

      I Long Much to See the Poor wretches Embarked and our affar a Little Settled and then I will do my Self the Pleasure of Meeting you and Drinking their Good Voyage. All our Gentelmens Complements & Mine waite on you and I am with Sincere Esteem Dr Sir,

Your Most Obedt & Humble Servant,      

A. MURRAY.      

On His Majestys Service To Colo John Winslow Commanding his Majestys Troops at Grand Pre.

      Sept 8. Grand Pre Camp. Parole Lunenburg. Nothing remarkable this Day.




      I have Seen Several Horses, but Can Not Finde any that I Think will Please him, but am this Day Informd of a Black Horse belonging to one Amand Gros, of Grand Pre, which I am Told will answer his purpose for his own riding. I Therefore Desier you would be So Good as to order Rene Leblancs Son or Some Other French Man to Catch him and the Bearer will Bring him to me, you will Exstreamly Oblige Your Most obediant Humble Servt,

A. MURRAY.      

To Colo John Winslow Commanding his Majestys Troops at Grand Pre, &c.

      Septr 9. Orders of the Day. Parole Pembrook. all Quiate.

      Septr 10. The French this Morning Discovered Some Uncommon Motions among them Selves which I did Not Like. Called my officers togather and Communicated to them what I had observed, and after Debating Matters it was Determined Neme Contra Dissent, that it would be best to Divide the Prisoners, and that as there was Five

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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