Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      The People here are much Concernd for Fear your Party Should meet with the Same Fate (being in the Heart of a Numerous Devilish Crew) which I pray God avert. My Complements to Mr Bradford Gay Capts Adams. Hobbs & all Frinds. Not forgetting Doctr Whitworth, I Long to be with you hope it will not be Long First. til when I remain your Most obliged Frind & Humble Servt.


To the Honble John Winslow Esqr at Mines pr Lievt Crooker.

      Mr Job Winslow Gives Complements to you and Frinds.


BOSTON, AUGST 16, 1755.      


      Since I have been Favored with any of yours I have wrote you pr Capts Whittey and McGoun have Sent you Papers via Hallifax. This Serves to Inclose you the News Papers &c & to wish you happy. Love to Whitworth &c Conclude yours affectionatly


      P. S. If you are in want of any thing in my Power Command Freely Dutl Son.

W. C.      

      To the Honble John Winslow Esqr. Nova Scotia pr Gay and Reced the following acct. Inclosed vizt.

NEW YORKE AUGST 7TH 1755.      

      A Perticular acct of General Bradocks Army Brought from ye Camp by Mr. Glazier.

      Inclosed in Mr. Coffins Letter.

Staff Officers to a Majr . . . 37212
Captains . . . 64815
Lievtenants . . . 14201145
Serjants . . . 17202158
Corporals . . . 18222161
Drums . . . 262432
Mattrosses & Private men . . . 3863234861195
Royal artillery . . . 471021
American Troops . . . 4951111217
Midshipmen . . . 11. . .2
Seamen . . . 871328

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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