Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      I Told him he was to do as he Pleasd I Should write to you which I have ventured to do & your Centiments & Directions by the First oppertunity will much oblige me. Sir your Sincere Frend and  
Humble Servt,      
      P. S. My Complements To all the Gents and Majr Whitworth in Perticular Please to Let him Know that I was at Forte Lawrance and had Left a Letter at my Tent which I had wrote in answer to his and the Vessel was Going to Sail had no oppertunity to get it on Board hope he will Excuse me Shall Send by the next Conveyance.  
J. P.      

To Colo Winslow Commander of the Troops at Mines pr Capt Adams.


SIR, —
      I am Very Sorrey my First Letter Should be the Bearer of Such Mal1oncholly News as the Defeat of Part of a Detachment Sent out under Majr Frye who Saild from this Place with Capt Brentnal my Self Mr Indicott & Doctr March & Lievt Billings and Two Hundred Men to burn the Buildings at Chepodi, Piquitjac & Memehamcook and after burning 181 Buildings at Chipeide we Saild the 3rd Instant up Piquitjac River and Burnt on Both Sides the River all the Morning about one a Clock Majr Frye ordered Capt Adams to Come to Anchor & Land his men opposite to the Mass House in order to Burn a Small Village below it, and then Joyne Mr Indicott & Lievt Billings with 60 men, accordingly I and Doctr March went on Shore with a Party but by reason of the Difficulty in Landing was obliged to March with 25 Men ten of which Doctr March Took with him, thoh Contrary to orders and went to the Village in order to Burn the Mass house &c where Mr Indicotts Party Joyned him, but before they Could Get the Mass House on Fire, they were besett by a Party of above 300 French and Indians and our Men being Stragling about was Soon Defeated. Doctr March and Five or Six Privates Certainly Kild there is Missing in the whole Twenty Three men, besides Doctr March we had Eleven More wounded among whome is Lievt Billings who is Badly having received a Shott throh his Left Arm & another Throh his Body which is Lookt upon Dangerous the rest are in a Fair way of Doing well. I was in a Small Village adjoyning and had Set Fire to the Houses Just as I heard the attackt and repaired to ye Marsh and joyned them, but before I Got there the Most of the Men had Left their officers and with Difficulty it was we Got Mr Billings away, our Powder was wett & Little of it, no water & but Two Days Provissions obliged us to return without Proceeding any Further, after Burning 253 Buildings with a Large Quantity of Wheat Flax &c.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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