Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


this province, have infested us more than ever, and indeed in a manner, to which they never attempted before. Your Lordships will be surprised when I assure you that these land ruffians, turned Pirates, have had the hardiness to fit out Shallops to cruise on our coast, and that sixteen or seventeen vessels some of them very valuable have already fallen into their hands. I have represented this to Adl. Saunders who I presume will take proper measures for putting a speedy and effectual stop to such depredations, but your Lordships will perceive from such strokes as these, how enterprizing these people must be, & how difficult the poor settlers at Lunenburg must find it to keep their ground and maintain themselves on their farm lots, scattered as they are in a circle of little less than forty miles.

      Since my last we have had three men murdered on the Eastern Shore of this harbor, two near Fort Sackville, three in St. Johns River, some killed (of which I have not yet the particulars) at Annapolis, and in short in every part of the province the enemy have of late done us more or less mischief as may appear to your Lordships more at large by the minute of Council of July 16th.


Governor Lawrence to Mr. Pitt.


November 3rd, 1759.      

SIR, —

      In the beginning of last Spring, part of the French inhabitants at Cape Sable, who had done us much mischief, finding themselves distressed, deputed some amongst them to come with offers of Surrender; to be disposed of at His Majesty's pleasure. Accordingly I dispatched, as early as I could, the Province armed vessels to Cape Sable, where they took on board one hundred and fifty-two persons, Men, Women and children, and when they arrived here, I ordered them to be landed on George's Island, as being a place of the most security. On my application to Admiral Saunders he ordered an empty Transport to call in here, on board of which are embarked (some having died here) ono hundred and fifty-one persons, as by the enclosed return, to proceed to England under Convey of His Majesty's Ship "Sutherland," and there receive such orders as your Excellency shall judge proper. *

I am, &c.,      

The Right Honble.      


The Right Honble. William Pitt, &c., &c., &c.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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