Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      In the execution of all which you are to proceed without delay to make quickest dispatch, and return immediately when the service is finished. Given at His Majestie's Garrison of Annapolis Royal, this       day of Jan., 1714-5, in the first year of His Majestie's Reign.


Copy of a Letter from Mons. de Pontchartrain, Minister of Marine at Paris, to Mons. D'Iberville.

(From a translation in the State Paper Office, London.)

NOVEMBER 7th, 1714.      

      Monsieur Soubras, Commissary,

      (At L'Isle Royale, formerly called Cape Britone) Informs me by his Letter of 22nd September last, That upon his arrival he found that the Sieurs de la Ronde and Captain de Pensens had been sent to Accadie, in two different Vessels — the first by Mons. l'Hermite, and the other by Mons. de St. Ouvide — upon occasion of the complaints of the French inhabitants of Accadie, in order to obtain from the Governor, Mr. Nicholson, a free liberty to retire with their cattle and corn to Cape Briton.

      Mons. Pensens has returned, and has sent over an account of his negotiations, by which it appears, That by Colonel Nicholson's permission, They assembled the people together, to know their intentions; that upon requiring the term of one year, according to the 14 Artle. of the Treaty of Utrecht, to remain without Molestation upon their Estates, They have been referred to the Court at London, As has also their desire of Transporting, during that time, their corn and cattle, of building Vessels, carrying off their effects, and of receiving from the French tackle and other necessaries, for such as shall build at Port Royal and elsewhere. Upon the demand of having an ordinance published for permitting the French to sell their Habitations, and leave letters of Attorney for that purpose, It was answered, It is referred to the Queen and to Her letter, which is an undoubted Guarantee. As Mr. Nicholson has promised expedition in all these matters, The King, who is informed thereof, Desires you would take such measures as you would Judge fit, to press the execution thereof, in such manner, That the King of England give without delay the necessary orders therein. I desire you would acquaint me with what has been done, that I may inform his Majesty.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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