Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Instructions for Mr. Peter Capoon, Comissy. and Engn. Thomas Button, to proclaim His Majesty King George. att ye several ports of Mines, Shekenecto, River St. Johns, Pasmacody, Penopscot, in the Collony of Nova Scotia or L' Accadie.


      Whereas by Letters from the most honble. his Majesties Privy Councill, the honble. ye Lords Commiss, of Trade and plantations, and ye Right honble. Henry, Earle of Bollingbroke, Secry. of State, and his Exclly. Genll. Nicholson, directing that his most Sacred Majesty, George, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c., be proclaimed in all the proper parts of this Govemtt. and, accordingly, that the same be done with all ye speed possible to the end, an acct. thereof may be returned them. You are hereby directed, with ye Sloop Caulfield, to proceed on the said service, the charge of which is to be born by ye Crown of Great Britain; and you are, at the Ports of Mines, Shekenecto, River St. Johns, Pasmacody, Penobscot, in ye Collony, to proclaim his Majesty King George in ye best manner You can; allsoe, ye proclamation for continuing officers in post. You are likewise to tender the oaths of Allegiance to ye french Inhabitants, with such English as you shall find, and administer ye same to such as are willing to take them in ye form prescribed, and will be Loyall and Good Subjects to his most Sacred Majesty, George, King of Great Britain, &c.  
      You are to take care and inform ye selfe, at all those plases, how ye Inhabitants stand affected to ye English Govemtt.; ye nature of theire trade and the Reasons why they do not as usuall come into these parts and vend their commodities.  
      As alsoe you are to make strict enquiry for and buy up what pork and other provitions you can meet with (except corn), if you shuld think ye same fitt ye service in victualing this Garrison, which you are to send soe soon as possible by the speediest and most convenient opportunity.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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