Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


vided for the aforesaid Service, and to Sail with Them, as soon, as the Wind and Weather will permit, for Nova Scotia, there to be Landed in such Place as Leiutenant Coll. Monkton, the Commander in Chief, of said Expedition shall direct. At the End of the term for which the Souldiers of the Sd. Regiment are enlisted, you are to take Care that Such of them as shall be desious to Return to their Habitations be embarked on Board the sd. Transportes or other to be provided by the Government of Nova Scotia, and Sent back to their respective Homes at the Charge of the said Government.

      And whereas diverse Sums are daily wanted to Carry on this design, you are to Apply for Supplies to the sd. Leiut. Coll. Moncton and in all Cases of Consequence to advise with him untill your Arrivall at Nova Scotia.

      Finally you are to Use your utmost dispatch in executing these Orders and as it is impossible to foresee all the Accidents that may happen, and therefore proper Instructions Touching them Cannot be given; I refer to your Prudence, and good Conduct, with the advice of your Officers, to take the most proper measures, and Act as you apprehend will be for the good of His Majest. Service. With my Hearty good Wishes for your Success, I am Sir your most assured Friend, and Servant.

      Boston. Province of the
W. SHIRLEY.      

      Massachusetts Bay March 27th 1755

By his Excellency,      

the Governour.      

      I do hereby authorise, and impower John Winslow Esqr. to beat his Drum any where within this Province, for enlisting Voluntiers for his Majts. Service in a Regiment to be forthwith raised, for the Service and Defence of His Majest. Colonies in North America, and to be Commanded by his Excelly. William Shirley Esqr. and the Coll. with the other officers of the Regiments within this Province, are hereby Commanded not to glve the sd. Jon. Winslow any Obstructions, or Molustations herein; but on the Contrary to afford him all necessary Encouragement, and assistance, for which this a sufficient Warrant.

      Given under my Hand at Boston, the 10th day of Febuary 1755. In the 28th Year of His Majes. Reign.

W. SHIRLEY.      

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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