Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      5th. You are to assure them that they shall be discharged at the End of the Term enlisted for or Sooner, if the Service will admit of it.  
      6th. You are to direct and Order them that they be at Boston, without Fail the twenty Fifth Day of March next.  
      7th. You are to enlist no Recruits, but Such, as you can be answerable for, as well for their appearing at their Head Quarters as for their passing Muster at their Arrivall their, and for every Recruit, you shall produce & accepted you are to receive Six Dollars, and to be employ as so much in Discharge of the Money you have Received toward Recruiting, said Regiment, and no Further Expense will be allowed.  
      8th. It is expected that the Officers in this Service, in their different Ranks, recruit in the Following Manner (viz) Each Captain 50 Men, each Leiutenant 25 Men and each Ensign 15 Men.  
      9th. Every Recruiting Officer is directed not only to make Returns, but also, to send his Enlistments to the Governor, Every Monday morning of each week, of such Men as he raises, that the Service may not be Hurt, and that Prefference will be given to the Industrious in this affair.  
      Given under my Hand at Boston, 12th Febuary 1755.  

      Instructions to John Winslow, Esqr. Leiut. Colonel of his Excellence's William Shirley Esqr. Provincial Regiment now Raiseing in the Several Provinces, and Colonies in North America, for Dislodging the French from the Incroachment made by them within His Majes. Territories.  
      As soon as I shall Leave this Province, you are to take upon, you the Command of the two Battalions, of the aforesaid Regiment, and to order them to the Place of Rendevous at Boston on the Tenth Day of April next. After which you are to deliver to them His Majest. Cloathing with as many of His Majest. Arms as can be provided at Boston, and embark them on Board the Several Transportes which are, or by that time will be provided to Receive them on Board the Several Transportes, with their Arms, Provisions, and Camp Utensils, and also the Ordnance Stores which shall. be pro-  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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