Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768




      having Some Letters from Annapolis to Forward to your Self and to Hallifax take this oppertunity pr Mr. Denier and to Let you Know that things are as well as we Could Exspect, and the People as Easay as I Should be where I in their Case, I have Permitted the Millers to attend their usal Duty and 10 of the river Cannard &c & Ten of Grand Pre at a Time to Provide for the rest. and had Come in the First. Day 418 if their List is right which I am Now a Proving 34 Heads of Familys Sick; and this Day have had Six Fresh hands Come in and on the whole belive there is Very Few Intend an Escape. I Shall Send a Party this afternoon with Lievt Handfield who comes on Fryday from Annapolis to the upermost Housses & to Examin Every Individual by the List & if any Fowle Play is about Shall Make Examples as Instructed, am In hopes there will be a Party Soon from Hallifax, which I Beg to Know of before their return if not Please to Let me Know when you think it Best to Send and I will return you your Party and you may use the Command of ours with you for that Purpose. My whale Boat is not yet returned from Chignecto. I Cant Conceive the reason, nor the Provission Vessels, nor Adams Heard of. Hope Every thing with you is agreeable, have here five Transportes. Sopose you have Two and when the Provisions arrive will Divide agreable to the Number as I am Perswaded the Goverment has not Provided Sufficient Vessels. Rene Leblancs Son has behaved as well as his Father and the French Say has Prevented ye young men from Going of and belive he May be Trusted. I have Now Just received an account of our Loss at Chignecto and as I have Ever been Diffident of these Sortes of People am Glad my Camp is So well Secured and Shall Trust as Little to Chance as Can be. Should be Glad of the Party that Came by Adams as Soon as Can be. Should be Glad of the Party that Came by Adams as Soon as Possible. and if after their Junction and your affairs Cant be Done without a Little assistance. I will return your Party thoh I Must needs Say I Look upon my Self the Most Esxposed of any Party in the Service. am Good Sir your Most Obedt & most Humble Servant.


To Alexander Murray Esqr Commanding at Forte Edward Piziquid.

      N.B. after beginning this Letter I heard Capt Adams was arrived at Piziquid.




      I am Commanded by Colo Monckton to Send you Powder, Shott &c for Making 12000 Cartridges. I have agreable to his order Sent by Capt Adams Amunition for that Quantity and a Surplus of Every

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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