Nova Scotia Archives

Chipman Family Papers - Planters of Cornwallis

Results 106 to 120 of 160 from your search: 2010

3 Jun 1794 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 184 No. 312

Charge of smuggling regarding the sloop Virgin whose master, Captain Wadman, did not report bringing liquor into port of Cornwallis Landing.

2 Jun 1794 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 184 No. 313

Evidence of Archibald Hamilton, New Brunswick, hand on sloop Virgin

13 Dec 1815 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 1

License issued to Alexander Crookshank to be a pedlar or petty chapman who can travel with one horse; issued 14 January 1795, reissued at Truro, 1815

11 Apr 1795 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 25

Sarah Reed, single woman, Horton, takes oath she is pregnant and the child will likely be chargeable to Horton Township; she identifies Thomas Loveless, Horton, as the father of the unborn child.

11 Apr 1795 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 26

Sarah Reed, single woman, Horton, takes oath she is pregnant and the child will likely be chargeable to Horton Township; she identifies Thomas Loveless, Horton, as the father of the unborn child. Warrent issued for Thomas Loveless to be brought before Justice of the Peace.

13 Apr 1795 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 27

Bond by Thomas Loveless and others to indemnify the Township of Horton

4 Jun 1799 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 121

Duty not paid on goods (wool cards, cotton cards, wool hats) imported into province.

1800 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 179

Presentment of Grand Jury regarding various issues including horse racing and the need for a pair of stocks and a whipping post.

12 Apr Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 185 No. 186

Examination of John West regarding the arrest of John Gimney who is apprehended after violent confrontation, [1800?]

Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 186 No. 32

Account of bounties paid to Mi'kmaq for killing bears and for repairing roads, 1803-1805

Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 186 No. 36

Petition of Mrs. Fawnia Hutchinson for ferry and tavern license. She has a gondola and two boats at Cornwallis, ca. 1816.

1807 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 186 No. 105

Return of land cleared and sown with wheat or rye, in Horton, Cornwallis and Parrsboro townships, Kings County

1807 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 186 No. 106

New Land in Aylesford Township, Kings County (continuation of no. 105)

1807 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 186 No. 107

Bounties for newly cleared, planted and fenced land, Cornwallis Township, 1806-1807

1 Apr 1811 – Chipman Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 187 No. 6

Indenture between the Overseers of the Poor for Cornwallis Township and Robert Mitchener, Falmouth, apprenticing three-year old Charlotte Barnaby, a poor three-year old, to Robert Mitchener until she is eighteen years old. She is to be taught the "Craft, mystery and occupation of House Wifery also the Art of reading intelligibly and writing legibly . . ."

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