Elizabeth Watson was born free in the United States. She was brought from Boston and sold as a slave under the name of 'Phillis' in Nova Scotia. Abused by her owner, William Proud, a butcher, she sued for unlawful confinement and £100 in damages. Watson's witness, Elizabeth Read, gave a signed statement that she had known her as a free woman in Boston, and her parents as free people also. Proud's witness was Samuel Laha, a previous owner. He swore that he had bought 'Phillis' in Boston and sold her to Elias Marshall in Halifax, prior to her being purchased by Proud. The court returned 'Phillis' to Proud.
Date: 1779
Reference: Supreme Court of Nova Scotia — Halifax County judgement books Nova Scotia Archives RG 39 J Halifax County volume 6 page 103
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/africanns/archives/?ID=14
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