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To His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies xc. xc. xc.
The Petition of Maltel Sapier & other Indians Most Humbly Showeth
That your Memorialists are of the nature Aborigines of the British Colonial Province, which your Excellency at Present Rules; and generally reside in Pictou, the place of their nativity. That your Memorialists are given to understand, that your Excellency's benevolence, has lately been extended, in a most liberal manner, to many of our Aboriginal Brethren in supplying them, with Blankets, Clothing, and Muskets, xc. and confiding that the munificient hand of your Excellency, would also be stretched out to us; your Memorialists have been induced, to undertake a journey, at this late season of the year from Merigomish, in the district of Pictou, where we have pitched our winter Wigwams, a distance of upwards of One hundred and Seventy Miles, to make known our wants to your Excellency, and to implore your Kind and benevolent assistance. There are about thirty six families, who are all destitute of, almost, all the necessaries of life, especially of Blankets and Clothing #especially Great Coats- and scarcely any of us possesses a musket that is of any use to us, and fire Arms & Ammunition, are of the most essential service to us Indians, being almost, at all seasons, the only means of our subsistence. Your Memorialists, therefore, most humbly
Date: 1836
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 23
Nova Scotia Archives —
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