Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Discussing Easson's account with William Bogdani, his pay, and business with Box & Austin.  29 August 1749.  1 page : 30 x 31 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/4

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Mr. John Eason           London, ye 29 August 1749
          I am favoured with yours of ye 17 June in answer
you have herewith your Account with Wm. Bogdani, Esq. wherein you will
see he has Accounted for your Pay to ye 2 March last and that I have received
of him for ballance £262.13.7 and place of course to your Credit. I am at this
time a Little hurried but as I find Mr. Bogdani has not given you Credit for
ye bill of £5 on Stevens I shall Call on him in a few days and [request ]
advise wither he has reced ye money for it or not.- I am now preparing ye
goods Messrs Box & Austin have wrote for to [send] of Capt. Creige who will
sail very soon what their Amount will be is uncertain till I have in
ye bills of Parcells but whatever money remains in my hands I shall hold
at your disposall I note your Intention of Lodging your future pay in my
hands as it becomes Due for which I thank you and wherein I am [forever]
you here you may allways freely Command —
Your most humble Servant
          Thomas Lane

Nova Scotia Archives —

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