Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources


Chief Louis Peter of Bear River

Date: ca. 1940- ca. 1950

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Chief Louis Peter

Elder Counsellor Papa Sack of Shubenacadie

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Sack

Mi'kmaq woman, Mary Christianne Paul Morris, with quillwork

Date: ca. 1863- ca. 1873

Photographer: Joseph S. Rogers

Reference: Joseph S. Rogers Nova Scotia Archives Misc: Indians: Photo 48-2

"N.S. Mic-Mac Chief Dr. Lone Cloud"

Date: ca. 1930

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Lonecloud, Dr. Jeremiah

Group photo including Father Pacifique and Chief Peter Paul

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Paul, Chief Peter and others

"Widow [of] late Chief John Newill"

Date: 1913

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Shubenacadie

"Chief Peter Paul and Mrs. Newill, Mrs. [Lonecloud] and Mr. [Lonecloud]"

Date: 1913

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Shubenacadie

Group photo including Mi'kmaq women, men and children

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Paul, Chief James and others

John Thomas Lane in Mi'kmaq traditional clothing and Dr. Frederick W. Morris

Date: 186-

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - People - Lane, John Thomas

"Micmac Indians at Truro Reservation, Col. Co., 26 July 1927"

Date: 1927

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Truro

"Micmac Indians at Shubenacadie Reservation, Hants Co., N.S., June 1927"

Date: 1927

Reference: anonymous Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Truro

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilmot

Date: ca. 1930

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs.

"Jerry Lone Cloud"

Date: ca. 1885

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Lonecloud - Dr. Jeremiah Lonecloud and family photos

"'Dr.' Jeremiah Lone-cloud"

Date: ca. 1927

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Lonecloud - Dr. Jeremiah Lonecloud and family photos

"Jeremiah Lonecloud and his son; Micmacs"

Date: ca. 1927

Photographer: anonymous

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Drawer - Indians - Lonecloud - Dr. Jeremiah Lonecloud and family photos

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