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Copy. (Circular)
Halifax 23 Jany. 1801
In performance of the duty assigned to us by the two houses of the general assembly of which we form a joint Committee, and with the approbation of his excellency the Lt. Governor, we take leave to submit to your consideration the following queries intended to procure information necessary for us to form a Plan for the Settlement of the Indians, to be laid before the Legislature at its next sitting.
1st What is the number of Indians who usually resort to this [Crossed out: County of Shelburne] be pleased to state that Name of [illegible] head of the Family, also (for further distinction) that borne by his Father, the Number of Males and Females above 12 years and the Children, with a short observation as to the Character of the head of the family, whether sober or drunken, honest or [notoriously?] otherwise.
2nd Who are the Indians (if any) who appear to have the most ascendancy or influence over the rest?
3rd Are there any who have made attempts or [shewn?] disposition [illegible] Settle or who have taken up trades, be [pleased?] to distinguish [illegible] by Name
4 are there any who have any white persons in the who understand the Indian language or have a particular influence amongst the Indians?
5 To what Priest do the Indians of resort for Confession and absolution and can you state how often they leave their usual places of abode in general for this purpose?
6 What Lands are there in the suitable for Settlement of the Indians, who usually resort to that whether the farms are ungranted liable to Escheat [the reversion of property to the state] for want of improvement or attainable by purchase? Should there be different situations under any of there circumstances be pleased to point them out and describe the quality of those Lands
See print copy of letter: RG 1 vol. 430 no. 48 1/2.
Date: 1801
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 49
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