Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources

Copy of letter from the Committee of His Majesty's Council and House of Assembly regarding supplied for the relief of distressed Mi'kmaq
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highly probable the Indians may be induced to collect in the county of Sydney and your neighbourhood the present winter. This disposition the Committe would rather wish to have encouraged, than opposed; since it is much to be desired that the Indians should be kept as far from the capital as possible; where, although they may obtain temporary relief from Individuals, are eventualy much injured, and rendered dissolute by the too easy access to strong liquors; and besides, the Committe are of opinion, that the Eastern parts of the Province are the most suitable for their ultimate settlement, should they be reclaimed to Habits of Industry.
It is the Desire of the Committe, that a correct account may be keept, in a Book for that purpose, of the name of each Head of a family, and the Individual of the family that receive aid from your hands, also the quality and quantity of each article in a separate column; a copy of which you will have the goodness to transmit to me, as soon as the season opens, and your supply in consequence thereof discontinued.
The Committe are sensible Gentlemen, that they are imposing a public duty upon you, without any means of Compensation, which in its nature must be attended with much trouble, but they trust that your own humane and benevolent feelings will apologise for them, since you will no doubt consider it as taking a share in relieving the distresses of an Unfortunate Class of the Human species, whose wants are in a great measure occasioned by ourselves. Who have dispossessed them of their native soil and means of subsistance.
The Committe however flatter themselves, that from your humane and active attention to this Business, with the salutary advice and Example you are capable of giving, and in some degree

Date: 1800

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 34

Questions to Consider

  • When do you think the document was written?

  • Who do you think wrote the document?

  • Why do you think the document was written

  • Who do you think received the document?

  • Who do you think this document was written for?

  • What information do you think this document provides? What do you think it tells us about the past?

  • How do you think the document reflects the attitudes and values of the time period in which it was written?

  • What impact do you think the document had at the time it was written?

    • Do you think those were different impacts for different people?

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