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Halifax 10th Dec. 1800
The Committee of His Majesty's Council and House of Assembly, appointed to administer relief to the Native Indians of the Province, who from age, sickness or other Inability to procure their own subsistance may, during the ensuing winter be in danger of starving from want of the necessaries of life!
Have deemed it expedient to send a small supply of blanketing, powder and shott, and Indian meal to Antigonish, under your care to distribute, to such Indians as may be in that District of the Province, who are fit objects and in absolute want of relief:
I am also instructed by the Committe to authorize you to purchase at Antigonish or its neighbourhood, if you see cause, one or two hundred bushels of potatoes, in addition to the articles sent from hence to be distributed in like manner.
It is the earnest request of the Committe that you avail yourselves of all occations, to impress upon the minds of the Indians, the necessity there is of their turning to Industry and providing themselves with some provisions in the summer for their winter necessities - for, it will be invain to look to Government for an annual support, it being the Determination of the Legislature, that they shall cultivate the Ground, otherwise they will be abandoned to their Fate.
Not having had an opportunity of sending any supplys to Country Harbour, Guysborough Pictou or Marigomish, nor any other settlement to the Eastward or Northward, it is
Date: 1800
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 34
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