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St. Margarets Bay 6th June 1781
agreeable to your request I have Purchacce [Purchased] fifteen Bushells of Putators [Potatoes] and Distribute them among the families which I thought wanted them most and them that I was sure would Plant and Use them as Feed the Peopell [People] that Received them is Verry [Very] thank full to you for your Goodness and some of them was not able to Buy Putators [Potatoes] for Seed if they ware [were] to be had for money they have Ben [Been] Very Scarce here this Spring I could not [get?] one Bushell more in the Bay
The Enclosed is a list of Persons Names that Received them according to the numbers of there [their] Familys [Families]
I remain your Most
Humble Serv[an]t
John Woodin
Mich[ea]l. Wallace Esqr.
Date: 1781
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 26
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