Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources

Printed Proclamation for the Treaty of 1752
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

By His EXCELLENCY Peregrine Thomas Hopson, Esq;
Captain General and Governour in Chief, in and over
His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia, or Accadie,
Vice Admiral of the same, and Colonel of one
of His Majesty's Regiments of Foot, &c.

WHEREAS the Treaty or Articles of Peace and Friendship hath been renewed on the 22d Instont, between this Government and Major Jean Baptiste Cope, chief Sachem of the Chibenaccadie Tribe of Mickmack Indians, inhabiting the Eastern Coast of this Province, and the Delegates of the said Tribe fully empowered for that Purpose.

AND whereas it is provided by the said Treaty, that all the Transactions of the late War should on both Sides be buried in Oblivion with the Hatchet, and that the said Indians should have [?our] [?Favorable] Friendship, and Protection shewn [shown] them from this His Majesty [illegible], and also all the Benefits, Advantages and Priviledges in His Majesty's Courts of Civil Judicature, equal with all other of His Majesty's Subjects.

I HAVE therefore thought fit, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Majesty's Council, in His Majesty's Name, to publish and make known the same to all His Majesty's Subjects, and strictly to charge and command all His Majesty's Officers, and all others His Subjects whatsoever, that they do forbear all Acts of Hostility against the aforesaid Major Jean Baptiste Cope, or his Tribe of Chibenaccadie Mickmack Indians, from and after the Day of the Date of these Presents, as they shall answer the Contrary at their Peril.

Done in the Council Chamber at Halifax, this Twenty-fourth Day of November, 1752, and in the Twenty-sixth Year of his Majesty's Reign.
P.T. Hopson.
God save the KING.

De Par Son EXCELLENCE Peregrine Thomas Hopson, Ecuyer, Capitaine Général et Gouverneur en Chef, pour le Roy, de la Province de la Nouvelle-Ecosse ou Accadie, Vice Amiral de la dite Province, et Colonel d'un Regiment d'Infanterie, etc.

D'AUTANT que le Traité, ou les Articles de la Paix, et de l'Amitié , ont été renouvellés le 22me du present Mois, entre ce Gouvernement, et le Major Jean Baptiste Cope, chef Sachem de la Tribu de Chibenaccadie, des Sauvages Mickmacks, habitans les Cotes de l'Est de cette Province, et les Envoyés ou Deputés de la dite Tribu, ayant un plein pouvoir pour ce Sujet.

ET Comme on est Convenu, par le dit Traité, que tout ce qui s'est passé de part et d'autre, durant la derniere Guerre doit être entierement mis en oubli, que la Hache doit être enterreé; et que ce present Gouvernement de sa Majesté doit assurer et demontrer aux dits Sauvages toute forte d'Amitié, de [Faveur?] et de [Protection?]; Comme [aussi?] les [faire?] Jouir, dans les Courts Civiles de Judicature, de tous les Bénéfices, Privileges et Advantages, dont peuvent Jouir les autres Sujets de sa Majesté.

C'EST pourquoi, de l'Avis et Consentement du Conseil de sa Majesté et au Nom de sa dite Majesté, je publie et fais sçavoir ce que dessus à tous les Sujets de sa Majesté, afin que Personne n'en pretende Cause d'Ignorance, et de plus, Je charge, et Je defends absolument et tres etroitement à tous les Officiers de sa Majeste et a tous autres ses Sujets de quelque Qualité et Condition, qu'ils soient, de commettre aucun Acte d'Hostilité contre le dit Major Jean Baptiste Cope, ou ceux de sa Tribu de Chibenaccadie des Sauvages Mickmacks du jour de la datte de ces presentes, Ceux qui agiront au contraire, en responderont à leurs risque et Peril.

Fait et passé dans la Chambre du Conseil à Halifax, le 24me de Novembre 1752, et la 26me Année du Regne de sa Majesté.

P.T. Hopson.
God save the KING.

HALIFAX: Printed by J. Busbell, Printer to the Government, 1752.

Date: 1752

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 2

Questions to Consider

  • When do you think the document was written?

  • Who do you think wrote the document?

  • Why do you think the document was written

  • Who do you think received the document?

  • Who do you think this document was written for?

  • What information do you think this document provides? What do you think it tells us about the past?

  • How do you think the document reflects the attitudes and values of the time period in which it was written?

  • What impact do you think the document had at the time it was written?

    • Do you think those were different impacts for different people?

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