note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Account of Sundry Goods and Stores Shipp't by Mr. Thomas Gunter of Boston Merch[an]t. on board the Govern[men]t's Sloop Massachussetts Thomas Saunders Commander to the care of Colonel Paul Mascarene and dessign'd for presents to the Indians, and for stores for the said Colonel as Commissioner in behalf of the Province of Nova Scotia att the intended Treaty to be held att Fort St. George on Georges River; and of the Distribution thereof.
[1st column]
Shipp'd as above for the Indians
No. 1 One Hhd. qr. 55 8/4 Blanketts
1 piece scarlett cloth 25 ½ yds.
8 pieces 7/8 [garletts?]
No. 2 Two Hhds. qt. 65 8/4 Blanketts
3 One Box qtr. Six gross best London pipes
4 One Hhd. qr. 10pr. Small Blanketts
3 pieces Strouds
a paper qr. 6 lbs Vermillion
a Union Flagg.
Two Boxes of Pipes qtr. 28 gross each
One large Bale qtr. 10 pieces Strouds
Contents on each cask {Two Hhds. molassess qr. 218 gallns.
{ Three Barrells of Pork
One Hhd. of salt qtr. 15 bushells
Two pipes of Cyder
Three Hhd. New England Rhum 321 galls.
Eight Barrlls. do. qt. 261 ¼ galls.
One Pipe Fial Wine [EE?] 2 lbs
Four Hhds. Biscuit qt.15 3 15
Six Barrells ginger bread qt. 2331 Cakes
Four Barrells Role Tobacco qt. 416 lbs
One Barrell cust do. - 75 lbs
One Hamper qt. five cheeses 131 lbs
One Hhd. qt. 11 2/3 Dozen of Beer
[2nd column]
Whereof were Expanded or Distributed for subsisting the Indians or for presents to them
2 Hhds. of Bread
1 Box Short Pipes
1 barrell of Tobacco
6 Barrlls. Gingerbread
2 Pipes of Cyder
1 Pipe Fyal wine whereof one qur. cask was given to the Interpreter another to the Minister of the Fort and the rest to the Indian squas
1 Barrell of Pork
1 piece blew [blue] Strouds as part of payment to the two St. John's Indians who carried the Belt of Wampom to the Miquemaques the rest to be delivered
1 Ox value £50 old Tenour bought att Georges for a Treat to the Indians, paid and drawn for on Mr. Gunter
The above Expense and Distribution contain'd in the Rec. of Capt. Bradbury commander of St. George's Fort, deliver'd att my return to Mr. Gunter the copie whereof is on the back of this acc. &
The Remainder of the Goods and stores not disposed of as above were on the Return from the Treaty deliver'd back by Capt. Saunders to Mr. Gunter in Boston.
[written at bottom of column 1 & 2]
N3 Mr. Gunter paid twenty Dollars to the Clerk that took down the minutes att the Treaty & writt three fair copies as the said minutes were not to be printed. Mr. Gunter kept one and I sent one to Governour Cornwallis and another since to Governour Hopson
[3rd column]
Sundrys Shipp'd for Sea Stores [for?] the Commissioner Colonel Mascarene
One Barrell of milk Bread
Two loaves [of?] refin'd Sugar qr. lh 3/4 lbs
a Pail containing (viz)
2 quts. Oatmeal
6 lbs Rice
¼ oz. Cloves
¼ oz Mace
½ lb ground pepper
1 lb ground coffee
2 bottles mustard Seed
One lb Hyson Tea
2 Hampers qr. 5 doz Madeira wine
1 do. qr. 5 doz English Beer
8 galls. Barbadoes Spirits
4 Neats Tongues
2 Hamms
1 Bottle Salt
2 quts. Vinaiger
1 [pint?] with 6 lbs fresh butter
One Coop with 12 fowls and 8 ducks
One bottle of Pickles
6 knives and forks
One Tea Pott
[4th column]
Whereof Expended
One Barrell of Milk Bread
Two loaves [dd.?] refined sugar 14 ¾ lb
The Contents in the Pail (viz)
2 quts. oatmeal
6 lbs Rice
¼ oz. Cloves
¼ oz mace
½ lb ground pepper
1 lb ground coffee
2 bottles mustard seed
1 lb Hyson Tea
1 of the Hampers of Madeira 3 doz bottles
3 galls. Barbados Spirits
2 Neats Tongues
One bottle Salt
Two quts. Vinaiger
One coop with 12 fowls & 8 ducks
One pott with 6 lbs of butter
One bottle of pickles
Part of the remaining Madeira Spirits & [illegible - crossed out] Beer were given to the master of the sloop and men with the further presents below
Presents given by Col. Mascarene to the Master of the sloop and Men and repaid by Mr. Gunter.
To the Master a french pistole in gold
the Mate a Dollar
the Barber a Dollar
the Vessell's Cook a Dollar
the Boy half a dollar
I kept always on board & never lodg'd a Shoar att the Treaty in 1751
Boston 16th August 1751 the above were shipp'd
Date: 1751
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 1
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