Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Account Current for the Commissioners with the Province of Nova Scotia, from January to November

1835. — 3 pages : 30 x 37 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

The Province of Nova Scotia
To Com rs of Sable Island (illegible)
Jany. 1 (illeg) G. M Rufrill, I. N. Shannon & I Starr Archibald
Salvage in the Care (?) Brig Tanbury & Cargo ------ 3 . - -
Feby. 5 " Deblois & Mitchell acct (?) for Great Coats --------- 21.9 .6
Mar. 4 " Ditto for Bread Beef & Pork ----------------------------- 8. 5. 5
" C. H Belcher for chart Nova Scotia & Bay (illegible) - 15. -
" " a pair dividers F. Moors Navigation (illeg) - 18. 6. -
Gasper Roast for Groceries ------------------------------ 2.- 10
(illegible) a quadrant --------------------------------------- 3. 10 . -
E Duckatt amt for Seamans wages (illegible) Wallace 10.- 6
31 " E Wallace for Superintendent & Mens Wages to Date 76 .15. -
May 12 " (illegible) Williams Seamans balance wages ------------ 4. - -
13 " C. Sharp (?) " " ------------ 4. - -
23 " Gasper Roast provisions for acct ---------------------------- 77.18.11
25 " I & D Starr Chain Cable Nails ------------------------------- 13. 14. 3
June 5 " Geo. Coleman for a Boat & Oars -------------------------- 15. 2 . -
17 " Martin Shaffer Wages to 14th June -------------------------- 6. 3. 4
23 " Sydney Barrington " to 16th June --------------------------- 3 .15. -
Barrach Department for Blankets & Rugs ------------------- 5 . - -
July 2 " W. A Black & Son Flour Meal (illegible)--------------------- 19. 17. -
3 " C. Wallace Superintendent & Mens Wages to 30th June 80.10. -
Carr d forward 823

Details of profits and expenses of the Establishment, including supplies purchased, items salvaged and employees paid.

3 pages 30 x 37 cm

Date: 1835

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 823

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.