“Return of military settlers located at Sherbrooke, who having complied with the required regulations are entitled to free grants of land since June last.”
With the conclusion of the European wars against Napoleon the Nova Scotia Fencibles were disbanded on July 24th 1816. Many accepted the offer of land in the settlements along the planned road through the center of the province from Halifax to Annapolis. In August William Ross started at Gold River with 172 disbanded soldiers and made his way into the interior where the settlement was planned about Lakes Lawson and Darling.
When land grants were prepared in 1819 this list, made on 24th September, showed only 68 families remained at the settlement. The size of the lots they would be granted was based on their former military rank. 5 days later, on 29th September 1819, Lord Dalhousie approved of the allocation of land.
Reference: Land Papers Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Series A volume 78 – 1819 Ross, William and others number
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/ross/archives/?ID=260
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