Nova Scotia Archives

Halifax Explosion: A List of those that Died

Books: Chapman

Dartmouth's day of anguish : the Explosion, December 6, 1917 / by Harry Chapman. Dartmouth : Dartmouth Museum Society, 1992.

Page 43 of this book reprints a listing of Dartmouth residents reported killed by the Explosion. The list contains only names and no other information.

The list is based on the City Directory 1918 list, a list appearing in the Dartmouth Patriot during January 1918 and also includes some names not included in either list but recorded in Dartmouth church records.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as VF Vol. 513 No. 22

Books: Kitz

Shattered city : the Halifax Explosion and the road to recovery. / Janet Kitz. Halifax : Nimbus, 1989.

A general history of the Explosion in which some fatalities are recorded as part of the narrative. The book contains no specific listings of victims.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as F5249 H173 K62

Books: Mahar

Too many to mourn : one family's tragedy in the Halifax Explosion. / James Mahar and Rowena Mahar. Halifax : Nimbus, 1998.

This book chronicles the consequences of the Explosion on one family - the Jackson family who accounted for 48 fatalities as well as numerous injuries. The Mahars were the first researchers given general access to the Claim files of the Halifax Relief Commission. The rich detail found in these files provided the basis for much of the book.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as FC2346.4 M35 1998

Cemeteries : Christ Church

Christ Church parish fonds

Burial records for Christ Church Cemetery, Dartmouth.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 11306.

Cemeteries: Fairview

Fairview Lawn Cemetery records.

These records are from the burial registers of Fairview Lawn cemetery. The cemetery is municipally operated.

Available at Fairview Lawn cemetery office, Halifax Regional Municipality, 424-4883

Cemeteries : Mt. Olivet

Holy Cross and Mount Olivet cemetery records

Burial registers for Mt. Olivet cemetery. This is the main public Catholic Cemetery in Halifax.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 12050

Cemeteries: Military Burials

Canada Army. Registry of Military Burials in Civilian Cemteries in Nova Scotia and Prince Eduward Island, 1916

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 23,611-23,613

Cemeteries: Punch

Nova Scotia Archives Cemetery transcription collection

This is a collection of gravestone transcriptions. It is arranged by County and community. Most of the Halifax County inscriptions were made by Terry Punch and donated to Nova Scotia Archives .

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as MG 5 Volumes 3, 5 and 6 on Microfilms 15074 and 15075.

Cemeteries: St John's

St. John's Cemetery records, St. John's Church, Fairview.

These records are from the burial register of St. John's Church in Fairview. The Church operates a large cemetery adjacent to the municipally-run Fairview Lawn Cemetery.

Available at St. John's Church, Dutch Village Road, Halifax.

Cemeteries : War Graves

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission maintains a record of all those killed while in service with Commonwealth forces during times of war. The records contain information on the nationality, service, and place of burial.

The Commonwealth War Graves commission has published this information to their website at

Churches: Charles Street

J. Wesley Smith Memorial Church fonds

Records of funerals and burials from J. Wesley Smith Memorial Church, Charles Street, Halifax. This Church was formerly Charles Street Methodist Church.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilms 11439 - 11446

Churches: Emmanuel

Emmanuel Parish fonds

Records of funerals and burials from Emmanuel Church, Windmill Road, Dartmouth. This Church was destroyed in the explosion.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 11312

City Directory 1917

McAlpine's Halifax city directory embracing the area of greater Halifax and Dartmouth: Vol IL, for the year beginning July 1st 1917. Halifax : Royal Print and Litho, 1917.

This source is the directory for the preceding year and was used to provide additional information , such as employment, for victims.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 3412 or Microfilm 9723

City Directory 1918

"Names of the identified dead killed in the explosion at Halifax December 6, 1917." In McAlpine's Halifax city directory embracing the area of greater Halifax and Dartmouth: Vol L, for the year beginning July 1st 1918. Halifax : Royal Print and Litho, 1918. p 621-632.

This listing is alphabetical giving the names, and former addresses, of the dead. In the case of marine deaths the boat is named.

This list appears to be a published version of the "Alphabetical list of identified dead" found in the Relief Commission collection (MG 27, Vol 1, No. 287) but is missing the additions made to that list.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 3413 or Microfilm 9724

Coroner reports

Medical examiner for the City of Halifax and Town of Dartmouth fonds

These records of deaths were kept by the coroner and may contain information on victims, their identities, where they were found, ages and occupations.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as part of the Medical examiner for the City of Halifax and Town of Dartmouth fonds , RG 41. This source is indexed online through the BosaNova catalogue.

Funerals: Olive

Funeral records and ledgers of JCB Olive, Truro.

Records of JCB Olive, funeral director and embalmer of Truro, Nova Scotia.

The index to these records has been published by the Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia. The publication and the records themselves are available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 9236

Funerals: Snow's

Snow's funeral home records.

These records record bodies handled by Snow's funeral home and gives information on the victim's identity and the disposition of their body.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on microfilms 12561 to 12564

GANS list
"Names of the identified dead killed in the explosion at Halifax 6 December 1917." In The Nova Scotia genealogist Vol XVI, 2 (Summer 1998), p 94-112.

This listing is alphabetical giving the names, and former addresses, of the dead as well as a number assigned by the coroner. In the case of marine deaths the boat is named. The assigned number can be used to link the entry to another source (MG 27 Vol 3) which may give the deceased's age, place of burial, who identified the body, their relationship to the deceased and their address.] The listing is also available on line at

This list is based on the "Alphabetical list of identified dead" found in the Relief Commission fonds (MG 27, Vol 1, No. 287), supplemented by entries extracted from the ledger in that collection, and compared with the City Directory 1918 list. The list indicates which entries are different from the published version, (City Directory 1918).

Available at Nova Scotia Archives at CS80 N935 [Volume 16, No 2]

HRC: Article 1

"Heart breaking list of Grove Church dead". In Halifax Herald, January 24, 1918.

A list of the dead and missing from one church. No information other than names. The clipping is found in a scrapbook maintained by the Halifax Relief Commission.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 63. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 63.)

HRC: Article 2

"Fifty-five employees of the C.G.R [Canadian Government Railways] dead as a result of the catastrophe of December 6th". / Newspaper clipping dated January 31, 1918.

No information other than names. The clipping is found in a scrapbook maintained by the Halifax Relief Commission.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 93. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 93.

HRC: Article 3

"The list of victims of the terrible explosion in St. Mark's Parish and Kaye Street Methodist Church." Newspaper clipping dated January 26, 1918.

Gives only name and church affiliation.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 77. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 77

HRC: Article 4

"The heart-piercing list of the dead of St. Joseph's Parish: awful havoc of the grime reaper among the youth and little children." In Evening Mail, January 24, 1918. Records names, ages and addresses. The clipping is found in a scrapbook maintained by the Halifax Relief Commission.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 66-67. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 66-67.

HRC: Article 5

"Held in solemn memory : Trinity's death list." Newspaper clipping dated January 7, 1918.

The article describes the church service, held at the Casino theatre, by Trinity church and lists the dead of the parish.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 11. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 11

HRC: Article 6

"Lost their lives on the waterfront: list of foremen, checkers, coopers and longshoremen who were killed in the disaster of Dec. 6." Newspaper clipping dated 1 February, 1918.

Lists names and no other information

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 2, page 97. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 2, page 97

HRC: Article 7

"Information wanted regarding missing children." Newspaper clipping dated January 1, 1918.

Lists names of children, their ages, any physical characteristics, and the clothing worn when last seen.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbook Number 1, page 144. (MG 20, Vol 530, No. 1, page 144.)

HRC: Claims

Pensions claims case files series of the Halifax Relief Commission fonds.

These files consist of records documenting pensions provided to victims in Halifax and Dartmouth who suffered personal injury, death, or property loss following the explosion. Many files link claimants to explosion fatalities as pensions were provided to surviving children and spouses. These records are described in BosaNova.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives . Partially on microfilm. See finding aid for MG 36, Series P

HRC: List

"Alphabetical list of identified dead." / list prepared by Halifax Relief Commission.

This listing is alphabetical giving the names, and former addresses, of the dead as well as a number assigned by the coroner. In the case of marine deaths the boat is named. The list is typescript with hand written corrections and additions. Pages 28 to 30 of this list are missing and would have included some names starting with the letters S and U as well as all names starting with T. The assigned number can be used to link the entry to another source (MG 27 Vol 3) which may give the deceased's age, place of burial, who identified the body, their relationship to the deceased and their address.

The City Directory 1918 list is this list with the missing pages but without the fatality numbers or changes and additions. The GANS list includes all names found on this list. The missing pages may be found on another copy that is located in the Relief Commission correspondence files but scattered throughout a larger file titled Mortuary Committee, (MG 36, Series C, File 127)

Available at Nova Scotia Archives as MG 27 Vol 1 file 287, on Microfilm 15124

HRC: Files

Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Correspondence series.

These records are the correspondence and other files kept by the commission.

Particular files of note include:
#127 Halifax Graving Dock Co Ltd class="results-line" . List of Identified and Missing Workers.
#127.6 B List of Dead and Injured "Picton"
#127.8 - 12 List of Missing/Dead Employees Mr W E Hillis
#127.16 Employees Furness Withy & Co's employees working at SS "Picton"
#127.19 Government Round House Railway
#127.27 Letter re: Explosion Victims
#127.34 Letter re: Memorial List of Explosion Victims
#179 Seamen Injured or Deceased
These files are available at Nova Scotia Archives . See MG 36 Series C finding aid for additional details

HRC: Records

"[Letter in reply to cable, dated 22 January 1918, conceerning the White family.']

A confirm from the Commission to the Deputy Provincial Secretary in response to an inquiry regarding the White family of Veith Street. Give status of familiy members.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, MG 27, Vol 1, No. 181.

HRC: Rogers

"Report of pensions, Halifax Relief Commission, June 1920."

Report prepared by Halifax Relief Commission comptroller O A Rogers giving details of who received survivor's pensions and much actuarial information.

Available at NSASRM as part of the Halifax Relief Commission fonds. [This volume, and other related documents, were purchased by the Halifax Foundation from a book dealer and generously presented to Nova Scotia Archives ]

HRC: Scrapbook

Halifax Relief Commission fonds. Scrapbooks

Two scrapbooks were kept by the Relief Commission to record all local news coverage of the explosion as well as advertisements taken out by the Relief Commission.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax Relief Commission fonds, Scrapbooks, No. 1 and No.2 [MG 20 Volume 530].

LAC: Army

"Summary of the injured / killed from 6MD." / No. 6 Military District

Military District Records. Under the Militia Act of 1868 Canada was divided into 9 military districts which were the administrative units for the coordination of recruiting, mustering the active militia units and responding to requests for aid to the civil power. Nova Scotia was district 6. This is a subject file for the explosion.

Available at the Library and Archives of Canada as file 86-1-3-1, RG 24, Volume 4548. This is part of NAC series c-8, Military District Records, 1907-1938 and is described in NAC finding aid 24-377.


[Halifax Explosion subject file] / First Naval Service Central Registry. National Archives of Canada

This file is part of the First Naval Service Centry Registry Series which is in turn part of the Naval Headquarters Records Registry Systems Series of the Department of National Defence Fonds held at the National Archives of Canada, (NAC).

This material is available at the Library and Archives of Canada as RG 24 vol. 5634 File NSS 37-25-2 - Royal Canadian Navy. The information was provided by J G Armstrong author of The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy.

National Archives (UK)

"List of men killed on British Ships December 6 1917"

This is a list of British seamen killed in the Explosion. The list is said to be at the Public Record Office.

No additional information giving the citation and reference is available

News: Times of Halifax

Times of Halifax : a celebration of our history, culture and traditions.

A newspaper-like periodical published by Effective publishing Ltd class="results-line" ., Vol. 4 #2 p. 14 [2002?], contains information on the Vaughan and Woods families

Available in the Nova Scotia Archives library at VF Vol. 513 No. 3

Notes: Jewers

Information from the 'Jewers and Wellwood family history' website.

This website also inlcudes a text version of one of the lists of victims. [Probably the City Directory 1918 listing.] See:

Notes: Singer

Information supplied by David Singer on Halifax firemen


Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths/p>

Available at Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths

North Branch Library List

"Halifax Explosion 1917."

An alphabetical list containing names only.

This list was presented by the Relief Commission to the North Branch Library which opened in 1966 as a memorial to the explosion. This list is located in a memorial box at the library with a reference copy available for viewing at the information desk.

Schools: Bloomfield

Nova Scotia School records collection: Attendance registers series

Registers of attendance: Bloomfield School. The deaths of explosion victims were noted in the daily records of attendance for the school year ending in 1918. The registers record the ages, addresses and parent, or guardian, of registerd students.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 21727

Schools: McKay

Nova ScotiabSchool records collection: Attendance registers series

Registers of attendance: Alexander McKay School. The deaths of explosion victims were noted in the daily records of attendance for the school year ending in 1918. The registers record the ages, addresses and parent, or guardian, of registerd students.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 21727

Schools: Richmond

Nova Scotia School records collection: Attendance registers series

Registers of attendance: Richmond School. The deaths of explosion victims were noted in the daily records of attendance for the school year ending in 1918. The registers record the ages, addresses and parent, or guardian, of registerd students.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 21727

Schools: St. Joseph's

Nova Scotia School records collection: Attendance registers series

Registers of attendance: St. Joseph's Girls School. The deaths of explosion victims were noted in the daily records of attendance for the school year ending in 1918. The registers record the ages, addresses and parent, or guardian, of registerd students.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 21727

Schools: St Patrick's

Nova Scotia School records collection: Attendance registers series

Registers of attendance: St. Patrick's Boys School.The deaths of explosion victims were noted in the daily records of attendance for the school year ending in 1918. The registers record the ages, addresses and parent, or guardian, of registerd students.

Available at Nova Scotia Archives on Microfilm 21728

Virtual War Memorial

Canadian Virtual War Memorial

This website has information on Canada's war dead. In general it records the service, age, parents and place of burial for those killed in the line of duty.

This site is available on line through Veteran's Affairs Canada.



Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.