Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from Dr. Alexander Lane of Mahone Bay to the House of Assembly regarding payment for medical services provided to Lewis Hammond in 1863. and Dr. J.C. Hooper's account for medical services to Mi'kmaq for 1864-1865.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

To the Honorable House of Representatives of the People
of Nova Scotia in Parliament Assembled the humble
Memorial of Alexander Lane M.D.R.N. humbly
sheweth that your humble Memorialist on the 25th
day of December 1863 was suddenly called upon to
visit Lewis Hammond an Indian, by his wife,
stating that she supposed that he was in a dying
state_ that your Memorialist immmediately visited
the said Lewis Hammond and found him afflicted
with a large Carbuncle occupying the back of the
head and nape of the neck, accompanied by [Phrenitis?] _
that your Memorialist by active Surgical exertions
saved his life and attended him until final recovery -
that from the suddenness of the call your Memorialist
was of course unable to get an order from
the overseers of the Poor and that had he waited
until they could have been [focused?] as they were all
away at a distance at their usual Avocations, the
poor man's life would have been lost _ that as soon
as they, the overseers and Rate payers met for the
discharge of their Official duties, your Memorialist
laid his claim before them for remuneration -
that it was rejected by a Majority who refused
to Tax themselves for such a purpose_ Your
humble Memorialist seeing thereby that he could not
afford to lose his Time and Medicine when called
upon in cases of Emergency to attend upon Indians,
even for the providing against which your humble
Memorialist believes there is no special Act of
Parliament, your humble Memorialist humbly
solicits the generous consideration of your

Hooper account mentions names of Mi'kmaq patients.

Date: 1865

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 139

Nova Scotia Archives —

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