Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from Charles J. Gossip MD to the Provincial Secretary regarding the "Indian remedy" for small pox laid before the society by Dr. Morris.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax N.S
May 8th 18[6?]1
The Hon.
The Provincial Secretary
A meeting of the Nova
Scotia Medical Society was held on Monday
Evening last _ [6th?] May _ when the papers
relating to the Indian Remedy for Small-Pox
were laid before the Society____
After hearing the evidence and explanations
of Dr. Morris on the subject _ he having
certified that he has tried the remedy, and
also published a letter extolling its virtues
and vouching for its efficacy in cases of
Small-Pox. The following resolutions were
agreed to. Dr. Morris alone dissenting ____
[Resolved - underlined] _ That this meeting having
listened attentively to the explanations
of Dr. Morris respecting the Indian Remedy
for Small-Pox (so called) is of the opinion
that Dr. Morris has not had any reliable
data upon which to found any opinion
in favour of its value as a remedial
agent ____


See also photo of Dr. Morris with small pox cure plant in Virtual Exhibit.

Date: 1861

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 129

Nova Scotia Archives —

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