Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from George Murray M.D. of New Glasgow to Capt. George MacKenzie reporting services rendered to Mi'kmaq.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

New Glasgow Feb. 22, 1861
Capt George McKenzie Esqr M.I.T.

Dear Sir, I forward to you my [a/c] for attendance on sick Indians. And I trust
you will use your influence to get the Committee on Indian
Affairs to grant it. Mr. Roach thought the Committee
on Indian Affairs the proper persons to address this petition
to. And in Accordance with his advice I have done so. But
if it should be necessary to present [this] petition to the House
of Assembly before the Committee can act on it, you will
please either yourself or Ask A.C. McDonald to make
the necessary alterations, and you can sign my name
to it.

At your own suggestion I have placed the Balance
due on last years Afc at the head of this years.
That you may be the better able to advocate my claims
before the Committee, and answer the objections of last
years Committee for not granting me the full
amount of last years a/c. I will as briefly as I can
refresh your memory with regard to last years Afc
(A copy of which I enclose to you, containing Dr. Websters
reasons why the Committee did not grant the full
amount). You will perceive that the first charges are
for attending Francis Fraser. His camp when I attended
him was in the woods between the East & Middle Rivers
about 1 1/2 or 2 miles from New Glasgow. As you are aware
yourself there is now no open road in that direction, the
old road being closed up and in many places ploughed.
The weather being soft and [open?] at the time, the fields
through which (the late William Fraser [esq's?]) I had
to travel over were so soft that I could not take
my horse, and consequently had to foot it. That
there was need for all the visits I paid him, I think no

Date: 1861

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 125

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