Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Copy of affidavit of Donald McRae Jr. relative to settlers on Indian Reserves in Cape Breton
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Halifax Co :
to wit.

Donald McRae of Cape Breton in the Province of Nova Scotia maketh Oath and Saith that he is a native of Rosshire, Scotland, and Emigrated to and has resided at Wagamaskook [Wagamatook] on Middle River in said County of Cape Breton for the last twenty five years or thereabouts. That he is well acquainted with Angus [Mathaon], Kenneth McLeod, Murdock McLennan Roderick McLennan, Donald Nickleson, and Quarrie McQuarrie, all of whom are settled within the lines of the Lands reserved for the Indians at Wagamaskook aforesaid, have cultivated the Soil, erected houses barns and Outhouses, and have resided there the longest Seven years and the shortest five years. -- That at the times they respective located themselves the lines or boundaries of said Indian Reserved Lands had not been Surveyed and marked out; and they obtained permission from the Surveyor General of Cape Breton to settle in the rear of said Reserved Lands as appears by the receipts for payment of fees for licenses of occupation herewith produced and still in the occupation of the parties. -- That at the time the Settlement aforesaid

Date: 1837

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 29

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