Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Petition of Peter Paul et al to Lt. Gov. John Campbell requesting assistance for starving Mi'kmaq living near Windsor.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

To his Excellency Lieut General Sir John Campbell
E.G.C.B. Lieut Governor and Commander in Chief in [accord?] for
the Province of Nova Scotia and its dependencies [illegible marks]
The Petition of Peter Paul, Joseph Stephen, Noel
Norris, Charles Louis, Perter Norris, Thomas Phillips, and
John Simons in behalf of themselves & families
Most humbly therwith
that your Petitioners are native Indians of the Province
of Nova Scotia and with their families, amounting in all
to thirty eight persons, many women & children, are living
near Windsor in the County of Hants, that they are discontent
[because?] of the great scarcity of wild animals of every description
owing to the general settlement & cultivation of the country by
the white Inhabitants totally unable to maintain themselves
by hunting - that tho [though?] before the making of baskets & other
little crafts of industry of the women they are unable to obtain
to [too?] much of the [neccesities?] of life as as will barely keep them
from starving, yet they are unable to [accumulate?] sufficient
to procure their clothing & blankets to enable them to withstand
the inclemency of the approaching winter, & that surely they
can procure some assistance they must inevitably perish
as many of them are at this instant almost [expired?] & are
compelled to sit down in their open & exposed camps without
anything to cover or shelter them from the [cruelty?] of the
Your Petitioners therefore most humbly pray that

Date: 1834

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 9

Nova Scotia Archives —

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