Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Detailed report of the Surveyor General respecting the Mi'kmaq, concluding it inadvisable to grant land to Mi'kmaq in trust or otherwise, except to "merely reserve such situations as they have been in the habit of frequenting or using." Mentions Sigogne.
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department to pay for the hire of Deputy, Chainbearers, axe men or [Hags] or Clerks Draftsmen or any incidental expence whatever but my bare Salary of one hundred and fifty-pounds pr. annum and that too reduced nearly [one third - underlined] - inasmuch as I have never received one farthing of my half pay as a Reduced Lieutenant in his Majesty's 70th. Regiment of [Foot] since my appointment to succeed my Father in this office - the situation Mr. Sigogne alludes to can with your Excellencys permission be Reserved until a correct Survey can be made of that and other Situations proposed for the Indians _ but which I trust will never be Granted to them exclusively
as some have taught at them to expect [written above text so insert here]
as they have already had Land in almost every part of the Province which they have from time to time bartered for Liquor or for money - and the last tract they parted with which was a [very valuable one - underlined] and capable of Growing a considerable supply of the food they most delight in _
Indian Corn [written above text so insert here]
was purchased of them by the Honble. R. J. Uniacke for the sum of £60 __ Lands have been Surveyed for them on the Western side the Shubenaccadie River (is [crossed out] Eleven hundred acres [underlined]) also at Pugwash _ at Antigonish, Margarets Bay and at Chester _ there are also Situations on the Great Lake which falls into Lehave River; at the Great Lake of Petit Riviere, on the Road from Onslow to Tatamgouche on the St. Marys and on several of the Harbours which might be laid out for them and Reserved if any funds could be provided for defraying the necessary
unavoidable [written above text so insert here]
expence of the several Surveys,
& Returns [written above text so insert here]
for these people __ the last tracts of Forest Land Reserved by the Surveyor General of Kings Wood for his Majestys Naval Service also afford abundant Situations for the Indians to Resort and Plant their Corn and Vegetables without injury to such Wood and Timber as is used for [the] Naval purposes __ at Manchester, Pomket. Lehave, Pugwash and Sissaboo _ those Reserves

Many place names relating to Mi'kmaq mentioned.

Date: 1815

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 151

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