note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
The following are the answers to a Letter addressed by Judge Monk to the undermentioned Gentlemen, requiring their opinion of the Indians should there be an American War. [illegible]
Annapolis - Wm.Robertson 31st. Octr. 1807 --- The Indians seem to think little about the War, & would wait to see who was most likely to gain the day & then join that party -----
Shelburne Ths. Crowell Novr. 27th. 1807 Many have lately been in & about the Town, who are wretchedly poor; it will be a difficult task to procure a correct account of their number. ---
Pictou Hugh Dennon Esqre. 20th. Decr. 1807 Inclosing a list of the Indians who seem as if they would be very [riotous] in case of an American War ----
Date: 1807
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 147
Nova Scotia Archives —
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