Alexander, Laurie, "A Preliminary Review of the History of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia"
Alexander, Laurie, "A Preliminary Review of the National Policy & the Effect on Nova Scotia"
Armour, Hedy, "Printing 1870-1980"
Bailey, M. & Glithero, J., "A Preliminary Report on Steam Locomotive Technology in the Era of 'Samson' Locomotive"
Basquille, Lorraine, "A Report on the Service Industries of Nova Scotia ca. 1920- 1980"
Beaton Institute, "Steel Technology in Nova Scotia 1900-1965"
Brown, Susan , "Women & War Work: The Cosmos Cotton Mill 1939-1945"
Buckley, F.W., "The History of Electricity in Nova Scotia."
Bunbury, Daniel , "A Report on the Economy of Nova Scotia to 1880"
Collins, Dr. Paul, "A Preliminary Report on the Investments of Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Archibald"
Croft Designs, "Clothes for Work - Costume Study A"
Davidson, Heather, "A Preliminary Report on Historical Food & Diet in Nova Scotia"
Dawson, Robert, "Printing Equipment in the Collection of the Nova Scotia Museum of Industry"
Durstling, Hans, "A Preliminary Paper on the Technological History of Iron and Steel Making in Nova Scotia"
Earle, Michael, "A Preliminary Report on Unionization & Strikes in Nova Scotia 1880-1980"
Earle, Michael, "A Preliminary Report of Nova Scotia's Historical Economic Context 1920-1980"
Earle, Michael, "A Report on the Economy of Nova Scotia 1880-1920"
Elwood, Marie, "Nineteenth Century Exhibitions"
Eyland, Terry, "A Preliminary Report on the History of Hydro Electricity in Nova Scotia"
Eyland, Terry , "A Report on Electrical Generation in Nova Scotia 1880-1980"
Eyland, Terry, "The Foundry, From Pattern to Product (c. 1880-1920)"
Eyland, Terry, "The History of the Aerated Water Industry in Nova Scotia 1836-1920"
Eyland, Terry, "A Passion to Invent: A Preliminary History of Nova Scotian Inventors and Inventions 1834-2001."
Folkus Atlantic, "A Report on Workers' Housing and Furnishing"
Gesser, Margo, "Diverse Power Sources in Nova Scotia Industry"
Giberman, Kathi, "Clothes for Work - Costume Study B"
Guildford, Mary, "Manufactured Goods of Nova Scotia, 1900-1950"
Guildford, Mary, "Products of Nova Scotia Industry, 1800-1980"
Guildford, Mary, "Clayton & Sons: Halifax Clothing Manufacturers 1869-1955"
Guildford, Mary, "The History of Textile Production in Nova Scotia And Its Economic Importance."
Hall, Helen, "A Preliminary Report on the Cosmos Imperial Mills Ltd."
Hartlen, Gary, "A Report on the Food Processing Industry of Nova Scotia to 1920"
Hartlen, John, "The Acadia Powder Co. of Waverley, Nova Scotia: An Historical Outline of a Unique Nineteenth Century Maritime Industry"
Henderson, Tom, "The Electrification of Factories in Nova Scotia"
Howell, Colin, "Sport & Industry in Nova Scotia"
Kinsman, Gordon, "The History of the Low Bush Blueberry Industry in Nova Scotia 1880-1950."
Kinsman, Gordon, "The History of the Low Bush Blueberry Industry in Nova Scotia 1950-1990."
Lake, Kim, "References to Nova Scotia Urbanization"
Loewen, Lois Schroeder, "Cost of Living Report"
Loewen, Lois Schroeder, "Historical Data for a Temporal and Spatial Model of the East River, Pictou County" (Study B)
MacDonald, Fern, "19th Century Furniture Making in Nova Scotia"
MacDonald, Fern, "A Report on Industrial Hazards & Safety 1810-1920"
MacDonald, Fern, "Gun Powder"
MacDonald, Fern, "Historical Data for a Temporal and Spatial Model of the East River, Pictou County" (Study A)
MacDonald, Fern, "Printing in Nova Scotia Prior to 1870"
MacDonald, Fern, "Tanning"
MacDowell, Stephen, "A Report on Technology Transfer in Wartime"
MacNeil, Phyllis, "A Report on the Interior Furnishings of the Moxham House"
Martin, Gwen, "Quarrying in Nova Scotia"
Morganroth, Karen, " A Preliminary Report on Films about Nova Scotia Industry"
Morris, Peter, "Interim Report on the History of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association in N.S."
Morris, Peter, "Iron Founding in Nova Scotia ca. 1880-1920"
Morris, Peter, "The Lobster Canning Industry in Nova Scotia ca. 1840-1920"
Pugsley, Melissa, "Women & War Industry - Amherst"
Robertson, Allen, "Shipowners' Offices in Nova Scotia 1840's"
Robertson, Allen, "Backs Turned to the Sea: A Report on the Investments of Nova Scotia Ship Owners"
Robertson, Allen, "A Preliminary Report on Self-Help Organizations in Nova Scotia 1880-1920"
Robertson, Barbara, "Nova Scotia Carriage & Motor Co., Ltd.: A Case Study In Industrial Entrepreneurship"
Robertson, Barbara, "Nova Scotia's Seaward Orientation"
Ryan, Judith, "A Physical Description of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia 1800-1980"
Ryan, Judith, "Electrification of Nova Scotia Homes, 1900-1945"
Ryan, Judith, "The History of Railway Developments in Nova Scotia until 1920"
Ryan, Judith, "Women & Office Work in Nova Scotia 1890-1980"
Ryan, Judith,Women's Unpaid Work: A Case Study of Coal Miners' Wives & Widows"
Shields, Paul, "A Report on Nova Scotia's Emigration & Immigration 1880-1980"
Soltan, Karen, "A Report on Coke Oven By-Products"
Sproull Thompson, Jane, "A Report on the Historical Effects of Industrialization on the Environment"
Stevenson, Sheila, "Furniture 1880-"
Tetreault, Betty, "The Historical Context of Industrial Park Development in Nova Scotia, ca. 1955-1975"
Trask, Deborah, "Steam"
Trask, Deborah, "Test Component - Glass"
Trask, Deborah, "Waterpower"
Twohig, Peter, "A Preliminary Report on Pulp & Paper Manufacture in Nova Scotia, ca. 1900 to 1970"
Twohig, Peter, "An Analysis of Workers in Nova Scotia, 1881-1921"
Twohig, Peter, "The General Mining Association at Albion Mines"
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