Abbott, Kirby. South side Cape Breton miners: a sociological summary of pre 1879 to 1951 transformations. Unpublished MA thesis, Carleton University, 1985, 362pp. Fns. Biblio. Attempts to explain why miners were once so strong & radical but became weak & moderate.
The coal miners and the law in Nova Scotia: from the 1864 Combination of Workmen Act to the 1947 Trade Union Act. Michael Earle (ed), Workers and the state in twentieth century Nova Scotia (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1989), 24-46. Fns. History of legal intervention in coal industry.
Akerman, Jeremy. Black lung: why the x-ray often fails to detect the coal miner's curse. Atlantic Insight, 1:2 (May 1979), 12-13. Illus. Describes struggle of coal miners to get Workmen's Compensation Board to recognize black lung problem.
Almon, Albert. Old faithful. Cape Breton Mirror, 2:9 (August 1953), 10-12. Illus. History of Caledonia Mine.
Andrews, Ian. Military aid to the civil power: the Cape Breton coal strike of 1909-1910. Unpublished MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1987, 94pp. Illus. Fns. Biblio. Examines role of militia in strike.
Anonymous. Coal mining in Cape Breton: the history and organization of the companies. Canadian Mining Review, 13:8 (August 1894), 141-50. Map. History & organization of companies since General Mining Association.
Les mines de charbon de Cap-Breton. Bulletin des recherches historiques, 13:12 (December 1907), 377-8. Brief note on coal mining during French regime.
Mine explosion in New Waterford, 1917. Cape Breton's Magazine, 21 (December 1978), 1-11. Illus. Eye-witness accounts from miners & residents, plus newspaper reports.
Our trip to Cape Breton. Canadian Mining Review, 13:8 (August 1894), 143-6. Illus. Impressions of industrial Cape Breton & account of visits to mines.
The Devco No 26 explosion. Canadian Mining Journal, 100:6 (April 1979), 100-01, 103-5. Illus. Account of February 1979 mine explosion.
The Dominion Coal Company Ltd. Canadian Mining Review , 13:8 (August 1894), 131-4. Describes amalgamation of coal mining companies in Cape Breton.
The 'pluck me': life and death of the company store. Cape Breton's Magazine, 3 (March 1973), 3-6, 24. Illus. Composite story from various interviews recalling company stores.
The prosperity of Cape Breton. Canadian Mining Review , 19:9 (September 1900), 187-8. Reports on thriving coal industry & excellent prospects because of establishment of steel plant, predicting further industrial development.
Atkinson, Allan et al. Serving on the mine rescue team. Cape Breton's Magazine, 31 (June 1982), 47-67. Illus. Notes. Reprinted in Ron Caplan (ed), Cape Breton lives: a book from Cape Breton's Magazine (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1988), 238-57. Illus. Several draegermen tell history of mine rescue work since early twentieth century.
Bjarnason, Emil. Collective bargaining in the coal mining industry of Canada 1825-1938 . Unpublished MA thesis, Queen's University, 1965, 170pp. Fns. Tables. Biblio. History with much on Cape Breton.
Blakemore, William. Coal mining in Cape Breton. Canadian Mining Review, 13:3 (March 1894), 55. British mining engineer describes coal mining in Cape Breton, comparing it to situation in England & Scotland, predicting that with development of island's iron ore & establishment of steel industry Cape Breton will become Staffordshire of Canada.
Louisburg: its importance as a coaling station for imperial purposes. Journal of the Federated Canadian Mining Institute, 2 (1897), 42-5. Maps. Argues importance of Louisbourg harbour & proximity of coal & urges that fortifications be erected at Sydney & Louisbourg.
Braddock, John. Farewell to coal: a requiem. Atlantic Advocate, 57:12 (August 1967), 14. Illus. Briefly discusses Cape Breton Development Corporation's plan to phase out coal mining.
Brown Jr, Richard. The coal fields & coal trade of the island of Cape Breton. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1871, 166pp. Illus. Maps. Fns. Tables. History of coal mining from seventeenth century.
Brown's 'Early history of the coal trades'. Cape Breton's Magazine, 35 (December 1983), 31-7. Edited excerpt from Richard Brown, The coal fields & coal trade of the island of Cape Breton (London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1871), describing coal trade from 1672 to 1780s. Illus. Map. Note.
Early history of the coal trade, Part 2. Cape Breton's Magazine, 36 (June 1984), 56-63. Edited excerpt from Richard Brown, The coal fields and coal trade of the island of Cape Breton (London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1871), describing coal trade in 1784-5. Illus. Note.
Brown, Robert R. Canada's earliest railway lines. Railway & Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin, 78 (October 1949), 49-62. Fns. Includes description of Sydney Mines Railway built in 1830 to haul coal to harbour.
Bruce, Alexander. Where coal is king. [Globe & Mail] Report on Business Magazine, 2:2 (July/August 1985), 66-72. Illus. Discusses how Cape Breton Development Corporation's original mandate to diversity economy shifted to emphasis on coal & Joe Shannon's success in making corporation profitable in 1984-5.
Bruce, Harry. History worth remembering. Atlantic Insight, 10:6 (June 1988), 20. Account of murder of William Davis during 1925 miners' strike.
Buchloh, HD & Robert Wilkie (eds). Mining photographs and other pictures, 1948-68: a selection from the negative archives of Shedden Studio, Glace Bay, Cape Breton. Halifax: Nova Scotia College of Art & Design/Sydney: UCCB Press, 1983, 277pp. Illus. Maps. Index. Photographs & essays about mining in Cape Breton. Cf MacGillivray, Don & Sekula, Allan.
Calder, Fred. Before the S & L. Maritime Express, 6 (September 1969), 8-11. Illus. History of Cape Breton rail lines which hauled coal prior to construction of Sydney & Louisburg Railway.
Calder, JH. Coal in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Mines & Energy, 1985, 79pp. Illus. Maps. Biblio. Index. History & description of mining operations with much on Cape Breton.
— et al. One of the greatest treasures: the geology & history of coal in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, 1993, 42pp. Illus. Maps. History of coal mining with much on Cape Breton.
Cameron, AE. The future of the coal industry in Nova Scotia. Public Affairs, 8:1 (Autumn 1944), 7-13. Fns. Examines state of industry & concludes that modernization & labour cost reduction are necessary.
Cameron, Silver Donald. 1925 – standing the gaff in the coal mines. Mysterious East (July 1971), 3-11. Illus. Reprinted in New Maritimes, 1(June 1983), 12-13; (July/August 1983), 10-12. History of 1925 strike.
Campbell, Douglas F. Banking on coal: perspectives on a Cape Breton community within an international context. Sydney: UCCB Press, 1997, 118pp. Illus. Fns. Biblio. Examines development of coal mines in Inverness & impact on community.
Campbell, GG. Mining in Nova Scotia. Canadian Geographical Journal, 59:1 (July 1959), 2-13. Illus. Reprinted as Mining in Nova Scotia (Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Mines, 1959), 15pp. General profile, including coal mining in Cape Breton.
Canada. Atlantic Development Board. Mineral resources of the Atlantic provinces. Ottawa, 1969, 94pp. Maps. Tables. Background Study 4. Evaluates resources & potential, arguing that importance of coal will decline. Much on Cape Breton.
Department of Labour. Report of the deputy minister of labour on industrial conditions in the coal fields of Nova Scotia. Ottawa, 1909, 33pp. Report by FA Acland on labour conflict that led to three strikes.
House of Commons. Report of the select committee on the state of the coal trade, and for the promoting of inter-provincial trade. Ottawa, 1877. Journals of the House of Commons (1877), 11, Appendix 4, 127pp. Tables. App. Proceedings & recommendations of committee investigating problems of Nova Scotian coal industry.
Report of the royal commission on coal, 1946. Ottawa, 1947, 663pp. Maps. Tables. Apps. Report of Mr Justice WF Carroll on supply & use of coal in Canada.
Report of the royal commission on coal. Ottawa, 1960, 127pp. Tables. Apps. Report of Mr Justice Ivan Rand on state of coal industry.
Report of the royal commission on the relations of labor and capital in Canada. Evidence – Nova Scotia. Ottawa, 1889, 486pp. Index. Chaired by AT Freed. Includes evidence given by Richard Brown, Robert Drummond & several Cape Breton coal miners.
Report of royal commission to deal with disputes in connection with coal mining operations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Labour Gazette, 20:9 (September 1920), 1169-84. Recommendations of commission chaired by Eugene M Quirk regarding wage dispute.
Report of tribunal in disputes between various coal mining companies in the province of Nova Scotia and their employees, members of District 26, United Mine Workers of America. Labour Gazette, 41:3 (March 1941), 231-6. Recommendations of tribunal chaired by CP McTague on terms of new contract for miners.
Cape Breton Development Corporation. An introduction to the coal resources of the Sydney coalfield. Sydney, nd [1991], np. Maps. Tables. Describes location & size of coalfield, with history of individual collieries & technical information.
Chrismas, Lawrence. Coaldust grins: portraits of Canadian coal miners. Calgary: Cambria Publishing, 1998, 312pp. Illus. Edited by Kerry McArthur. Photographs of coal miners, with autobiographical interviews. Much on Cape Breton.
Connolly, Pat. Colliery League was high calibre. Cape Bretoner, 2:7 (June 1994), 24. Illus. Describes baseball in mining towns in 1930s.
Post-war baseball keenly contested. Cape Bretoner, 2:8 (July 1994), 8. Illus. Describes Colliery League baseball in late 1940s.
Cook, Amelia. Amelia Cook: the Port Hood explosion. Cape Breton's Magazine, 26 (August 1980), 35-7. Illus. Reprinted as 'The Port Hood explosion' in Ron Caplan (ed), Another night: Cape Breton stories true & short & tall (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1995), 5-10. Recollections of 1908 mine explosion.
Cormier, Jim. Brothers of the deep. Equinox, No 69, 12:3 (May/June 1993), 54-65. Illus. Reprinted as 'Brothers of the deeps: Cape Breton's coal miners are a fiercely proud and loyal fellowship.' Reader's Digest (Canada), 143:858 (October 1993), 78-83. Illus. Also published as 'Dans le ventre de la mine: les travailleurs qui arrachent le charbon au sous-sol de l'Atlantique sont unis par une camaraderie à toute épreuve.' Selection du Reader's Digest, 93:556 (October 1993), 118-23. Describes lives & attitudes of Cape Breton coal miners.
Crone, K. Twelve thousand on rations. Canadian Congress Journal, 4 (April 1925), 13-14. Reprinted in Irving Abella & David Miller (eds), The Canadian worker in the twentieth century (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978), 135-8. Describes hardships being endured by families of coal miners on strike.
Cross, Walter J. Old king coal. Maritime Advocate and Busy East, 39:6 (January 1949), 14-21. Illus. Impressions from going underground in Cape Breton mines.
Davidson, Shirley & Norman McKenzie. The mine fire at Dominion No 1 colliery, Glace Bay, NS. Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, 19 (1905), 128-40. Illus. Reports on March 1903 fire & how it was extinguished.
De Roche, John. Class politics of management and technology in Cape Breton mines. Constance de Roche & John de Roche (eds), Rock in a stream: living with the political economy of underdevelopment in Cape Breton (St John's: Institute of Social & Economic Research, Memorial University, 1987), 105-42. ISER Research & Policy Papers 7. Ethnographic socio-historical study of an industrial setting in southside collieries before 1950 & responses to technological change & class.
Making history: a sociological study. Shannon Ryan (comp), Report of the fourth annual meeting of the Atlantic Oral History Association, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 23-25 September, 1982 (St John's, 1982), 163-73. Refs. Examines methodological problems related to oral history, focusing on interview with elderly former coal miner about JB McLachlan & labour conflict in 1920s & 1930s.
Donald, JR. The Cape Breton coal problem. Ottawa: National Energy Board, 1966, 178pp. Illus. Maps. Apps. Also published as Le problème des houillières du Cap-Breton. Ottawa: National Energy Board, 1966, 188pp. Recommendations for future of coal industry.
Donham, Parker Barss. Bitter strike ends bitterly. Maclean's, 94:48 (19 October 1981), 48. Illus. Reports on bitter end of miners' strike.
Cape Breton's day comes round again. Atlantic Insight, 2:1 (January/February 1980), 22. Illus. Describes resurgence of coal as result of high international energy prices.
This union leader hates strikes. Atlantic Insight, 2:10 (November 1980), 78, 80. Illus. Profile of William (Bull) Marsh, president of UMWA District 26.
Donkin, Hiram. The railway system of the Dominion Coal Company Limited. Canadian Mining Review, 13:8 (August 1894), 154. Description by Dosco official.
Dornadic, Hal. RCMP and bootleggers play cat-and-mouse game. Atlantic Insight, 11:4 (April 1989), 8. Describes bootleg mining in Gardiner Mines area.
Drummond, Robert. Minerals and mining Nova Scotia. Stellarton: Mining Record Office, 1918, 368pp. Description of mineral resources, history of mining & discussion of potential developments. Much on Cape Breton coal.
Recollections and reflections of a former trades union leader. Stellarton: privately published, 1926, 312pp. Memoirs of long-time leader of Provincial Workmen's Association. Much on Cape Breton.
The sixties and subsequently. NP: privately published, nd [1912], 16pp. Recollections of coal mining in Cape Breton in 1860s.
Earle, Michael. 'Down with Hitler and Silby Barrett': the Cape Breton miners' slowdown strike of 1941. Acadiensis, 18:1 (Autumn 1988), 56-90. Fns. Reprinted in Michael Earle (ed), Workers and the state in twentieth century Nova Scotia (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1989), 109-43. Account of 1941 work slowdown by miners that proved to be one of most costly labour disputes in Canada during Second World War.
The coal miners and their 'red' union: the Amalgamated Mine Workers of Nova Scotia, 1932-1936. Labour/Le Travail, 22 (Autumn 1988), 99-137. Fns. Examines communist ideology in miners' union movement in Cape Breton.
The legacy: manipulating the myth of McLachlan. New Maritimes, 6:4-5 (December 1987/January 1988), 10-13. Illus. Reprinted in Ian McKay & Scott Milson (eds), Towards a new Maritimes: a selection from ten years of New Maritimes (Charlottetown: Ragweed, 1992), 84-95. Argues that Paul MacEwan's attempt in Miners and steelworkers (Toronto: Samuel Stevens Hakkert, 1976) to fit McLachlan, a Communist revolutionary, into tradition of social democracy has created inaccurate mythologized version of McLachlan legacy which has been repeated by others.
The rise and fall of a 'red' union: the Amalgamated Mine Workers of Nova Scotia, 1932-1936. Unpublished MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1985, 296pp. Fns. Biblio. Examines struggle between UMWA & Communist-led AMWNS in 1930s to represent coal miners.
— & H Gamberg. The United Mine Workers and the coming of the CCF to Cape Breton. Acadiensis, 19:1 (Fall 1989), 3-26. Fns. Reprinted in Michael Earle (ed), Workers and the state in twentieth century Nova Scotia (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1989), 85-108. Examines relationship between UMWA in Cape Breton from affiliation in 1938 to 1950s, arguing that CCF leadership helped to undermine radicalism & union militancy in area.
Ellison, Wally. Coal mining. Am Braighe, 4:6 (Autumn 1995), 11. Illus. Brief history of coal mining in Cape Breton, focusing on Mabou area.
Ervin, Chesley G. A sentinel of the past. Bluenose, 1:2 (July 1936), 21. Brief description of Blockhouse Hill at Port Morien, where first coal mining took place.
Fauteux, Joseph-Noel. Le charbon du Cap-Breton sous le régime français. Bulletin des recherches historiques, 52:7 (July 1946), 216-17. Excerpt from Louis-Noel Fauteux, Essai sur l'industrie au Canada sous le régime français (Quebec: LS-A Proulx, 1927), 1:19-25, about coal mining in Cape Breton in eighteenth century.
Fergusson, Charles Bruce. The labour movement in Nova Scotia before Confederation. Halifax: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1964, 36pp. Fns. Includes discussion of 1864 coal miners' strike at Sydney Mines.
Fillmore, Roscoe A. Strike situation in eastern Canada. International Socialist Review, 10 (May 1910), 1007-8. Reprinted in Irving Abella & David Miller (eds), The Canadian worker in the twentieth century (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978), 44-5. Discusses on-going strike of coal miners
Strikes and socialism in eastern Canada. International Socialist Review, 10 (April 1910), 891-3. Reprinted in Irving Abella & David Miller (eds), The Canadian worker in the twentieth century (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978), 42-4. Discusses causes of 1909 strike by Cape Breton coal miners.
Fitzgerald, Owen. Photography under the Atlantic. Atlantic Advocate, 75:8 (April 1985), 45-7. Illus. Describes challenge of photographing in coal mines.
Fletcher, Hugh. The Sydney coalfield. Canadian Mining Review, 13:8 (August 1894), 148-9. Illus. Briefly describes its geology.
Forsey, Eugene. Economic and social aspects of the Nova Scotia coal industry. Unpublished MA thesis, McGill University, 1926, 126pp. Fns. Apps. Biblio. Published Toronto: Macmillan, 1926, 123pp. Study prepared for 1926 royal commission on maritime claims.
Frank, David. Class conflict in the coal industry: Cape Breton 1922. Gregory S Kealey & Peter Warrian (eds), Essays in working class history
(Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1976), 161-84. Fns. Reprinted in Laurel Sefton MacDowell & Ian Radforth (eds), Canadian working class history: selected readings (Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1992), 459-80. Examines 1922 coal strike.Coal masters and coal miners: the 1922 strike and the roots of class conflict in the Cape Breton coal industry. Unpublished MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1974, 236pp. Fns. App. Biblio. History of 1922 strike.
Coal wars. Horizon Canada, 4:44 (1986), 1046-51. Illus. Brief biography of JB McLachlan.
Company town/labour town: local government in the Cape Breton coal towns, 1917-1926. Histoire sociale/Social History, 14:27 (May 1981), 177-96. Fns. Reprinted as 'From company town to labour town' in Cape Breton's Magazine, 37 (August 1984), 27-39. Illus. Reprinted in David J Bercuson (ed), Canadian labor history: selected readings (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1987), 138-55. Argues that Cape Breton coal towns changed from communities influenced by paternalism of predominant employer to communities influenced by demands of working class institutions such as trade unions & labour political parties.
Contested terrain: workers' control in the Cape Breton coal mines in the 1920s. Craig Heron & Robert Storey (eds), On the job: confronting the labour process in Canada (Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986), 102-23. Fns. Biblio. Examines importance of workplace in explaining nature of conflict in coal industry.
Industrial democracy and industrial legality: the UMWA in Nova Scotia, 1908-1927. John HM Laslett (ed), The United Mine Workers of America: a model of industrial solidarity? (University Park [PA]: Pennsylvania State University Press in association with Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 1996), 438-55. Fns. Traces history of union in Cape Breton as case study in challenges facing UMWA generally in early twentieth century.
JB McLachlan: a real Nova Scotian hero. Coastal Courier (2 November 1977), 18. Illus. Brief biography of labour leader.
The Cape Breton coal industry and the rise and fall of the British Empire Steel Corporation. Acadiensis, 7:1 (Autumn 1977), 3-34. Fns. Tables. Reprinted in Don MacGillivray & Brian Tennyson (eds), Cape Breton historical essays (Sydney: College of Cape Breton Press, 1980), 110-32. Reprinted in JP Grayson (ed), Class, state, ideology and change (Toronto: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1980), 283-304. Reprinted in TW Acheson, David Frank & James D Frost, Industrialization and underdevelopment in the Maritimes, 1880-1930 (Toronto: Garamond, 1985), 55-86. Reprinted in Phillip Buckner & David Frank (eds), Atlantic Canada after Confederation: the Acadiensis reader (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1995), 2:299-330. Examines problems of coal & steel industry in 1920s through Marxist analysis of regional inequalities as natural feature of capitalistic economic growth.
The Cape Breton coal miners, 1917-1926. Unpublished PhD thesis, Dalhousie University, 1979, 441pp. Map. Fns. Tables. Biblio. History of labour conflict in Cape Breton mines.
The miners' financier: women in the Cape Breton coal towns, 1917. Atlantis, 8:2 (Spring 1983), 137-43. Illus. Fns. Discusses distinction between men's & women's work in Cape Breton & reprints documents showing how women managed households on miners' salaries.
The trial of JB McLachlan. Canadian Historical Association Historical Papers (1983), 208-25. Fns. Reprinted in David Frank & Gregory Kealey (eds), Labour and working class history in Atlantic Canada: a reader (St John's: Memorial University Institute for Social & Economic Research, 1995), 279-97. Examines McLachlan's 1923 trial for seditious libel.
The trial: the king vs JB McLachlan. New Maritimes, 6:4 (December 1987), 6:4-5 (December 1987/January 1988), 3-7. Illus. Examines McLachlan's 1923 trial for seditious libel.
Tradition and culture in the Cape Breton mining community in the early twentieth century. Kenneth Donovan (ed). Cape Breton at 200: historical essays in honour of the island's bicentennial, 1785-1985 (Sydney: UCCB Press, 1985), 203-18.Illus. Fns. Discusses impact of urbanization & industrialization on mining community.
Working-class politics: the election of JB McLachlan, 1916-1935. Kenneth Donovan (ed), The island: new perspectives on Cape Breton's history 1713-1990 (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press/Sydney: UCCB Press, 1990), 187-219. Illus. Fns. Tables. Argues that, despite being defeated in six election campaigns, McLachlan enjoyed strong support among miners.
— & Michael S Cross (eds). The workingman in the nineteenth century. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1974, 316pp. Biblio. Reprints excerpts from contemporary publications describing working conditions. Includes testimony given to 1889 royal commission on relations of labor & capital by Alexander McGillivray of Little Glace Bay about Cape Breton coal mines.
— & John Manley. The sad march to the right: JB McLachlan's resignation from the Communist Party of Canada, 1936. Labour/Le Travail, 30 (Fall 1992), 115-34. Fns. Examines reasons for McLachlan's resignation from Communist Party.
Frost, Louis. Fire in Dominion No 16 colliery, New Waterford, Nova Scotia. Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, 56 (1953), 172-9. Illus. Tables. Reports on 1952 fire & how it was dealt with.
The romance of coal and its place in the operation of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation in the province of Nova Scotia. Sydney: DOSCO, 1964, 19pp. History of coal mining operations.
Gardner Pinfold Consulting Economists Limited. The economic impact of the mineral industry in Nova Scotia. Prepared for Canada, Department of Energy, Mines & Resources. Halifax, 1993, 74pp. Maps. Tables. Assesses impact of mineral industry on provincial economy, with section on Cape Breton.
Gerriets, Marilyn. The impact of the General Mining Association on the Nova Scotia coal industry, 1826-1850. Acadiensis, 21:1 (Autumn 1991), 54-84. Fns. Reprinted in Kris Inwood (ed), Farm, factory and fortune: new studies in the economic history of the Maritime provinces (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1993), 61-92. Examines origins of GMA & its role in political & economic life of Nova Scotia.
The rise and fall of a free-standing company in Nova Scotia: the General Mining Association. Business History, 34:3 (July 1992), 16-45. Fns. Examines GMA as early example of British free-standing company in Canada.
Gesner, Abraham. The industrial resources of Nova Scotia. Halifax: A & W MacKinlay, 1849, 341pp. Apps. Index. Includes chapters on Cape Breton & coal mining.
Gesner, Claribel. The mines of the duke's jewellers. Atlantic Advocate, 57:12 (August 1967), 16. Illus. Brief history of coal mining in Cape Breton.
Gillman, JJ. Donkin-Morien development project. Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin, 75:845 (September 1982), 133-7. Illus. Describes Cape Breton Development Corporation's plans to develop Donkin mine.
Gilpin, Edwin1. Coal mining in Nova Scotia. Transactions of the Canadian Mining Society, 2, Part II (1888). Reprinted Montreal: John Lovell & Son, nd [1889], 53pp. Also published in Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, 2 (1888), 350-81. Not found.
1 Gilpin produced an enormous number of publications on aspects of coal mining in Cape Breton. It has been decided to list only those of a general or relatively non-technical nature.
The geology of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (November 1886), 515-26. Description focusing on coal deposits.
The mineral development of Nova Scotia. London & Newcastle: Andrew Reid, 1894, 15pp. First published in Transactions of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers (1894). Surveys state of industry with much on Cape Breton coal.
The minerals of Nova Scotia, Canada. Halifax: Commissioner of Public Works & Mines, 1900, 18pp. Pamphlet prepared to accompany collection of Nova Scotian minerals displayed at 1900 Paris Exposition. Much on Cape Breton coal.
The mines and mineral lands of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Robert T Murray, 1880, 122pp. Apps. Describes mineral resources with much on Cape Breton coal.
The submarine coal of Cape Breton, NS. Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining & Mechanical Engineers, 24 (1874-5), 173-88. Not found.
The undeveloped coal fields of Nova Scotia. Transactions of the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, 9 (1895-6), 134-49. Discusses areas that could be developed, most in Cape Breton.
Underground certificates in Nova Scotia coal-mines. London & Newcastle: Andrew Reid, 1899, 17pp. First published in Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers (1898). Describes education & certification program developed for miners in 1880s.
Gold, SM. A social worker visits Cape Breton. Social Welfare, 7:11 (August/September 1925), 219-24. Reprinted as 'A social worker visits Cape Breton, 1925'. Cape Breton's Magazine, 38 (January 1985), 22-5, 47-50. Illus. Notes. Describes social conditions at time of 1925 miners' strike.
Golding, Jack. The coal crisis. Atlantic Advocate, 50:3 (November 1959), 21-2. Discusses problems of Cape Breton coal industry caused by arrival of prairie natural gas in Quebec market.
Grady, Wayne. The soreness of the soul. Equinox, 5:27 (May/June 1986), 95, 97-102, 104-7. Illus. Map. Describes impact of mine closures on Glace Bay since 1920s.
Gray, Francis W. Coal for centuries in eastern Canada. Saturday Night, 40:6 (27 December 1924), 3. Illus. Calls for protective tariff to help coal mines increase production & sales.
Coal seams and local history. Dalhousie Review, 22:1 (1942-3), 93-102. Relates history of mining in Cape Breton to local community history.
Fifty years of the Dominion Coal Company. Dalhousie Review, 22 (1942-3), 461-9. History.
Industrial relations of the collieries in Nova Scotia. Canadian Mining Institute Bulletin, 84 (April 1919), 389-93. Reports on conference of employers & workers held in Sydney in February 1919 to discuss relationship, focusing on intention of miners to join United Mine Workers of America.
Mining coal under the sea in Nova Scotia. Canadian Mining & Metallurgical Bulletin, 182 (June 1927), 638-758. Illus. Fns. Tables. Apps. Reprinted as Mining coal under the sea in Nova Scotia, with notes on comparable undersea coal-mining operations elsewhere. Montreal: privately published, nd [1928?], 117pp. Describes undersea mining near Sydney.
Mining under the sea. Saturday Night, 39 (15 March 1924), 13, 22. Describes British Empire Steel Corporation's coal mining operations on Sydney harbour.
The coal-fields and coal industry of eastern Canada: a general survey and description. Ottawa: Department of Mines, Mines Branch Bulletin 14, 1917, 67pp. Illus. Map. Biblio. Index. History & description of coal mining, including social conditions. Much on Cape Breton.
The mining operations of the Dominion Coal Company. Canadian Mining Journal, 29:4 (15 February 1908), 5-7; 29:13 (1 July 1908), 291-6; 29:15 (1 August 1908), 355-8; 29:16 (15 August 1908), 396-8; 29:21 (1 November 1908), 555-60; 29:23 (1 December 1908), 617a-21a; 29:24 (15 December 1908), 648a-51a; 30:1 (1 January 1909), 10-16; 30:6 (15 March 1909), 177-82. Reprinted as Dominion Coal Company. Toronto: Mines Publishing, 1909, 128pp. Illus. Maps. Describes company's operations.
The strategic value of Cape Breton Island, with especial reference to the coal fields. Journal of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia, 20 (1916-17), 19-22. Argues strategic importance of Cape Breton, especially Sydney harbour, & calls for greater defence measures.
Gregory, Diane. A history of coal in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Mines, 1978, np. Maps. Tables. Brief history.
Haliburton, RG. The coal trade of the new dominion. Halifax: privately published, 1868, 13pp. Maps. First published in Transactions of the Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science, 2:1 (1867-7), 93-7. Describes magnitude & importance of Nova Scotian coal resources to economic development of Canada & Britain.
Hall, Mike. Devco survivors relive blast, aftermath. United Mine Workers Journal, 92:2 (February 1981), 4-5. Illus. Describes 1979 explosion in No 26 colliery which killed twelve miners.
Haultain, AG. Dominion No 2 colliery of the Dominion Coal Company. Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute, 13 (October 1910), 187-200. Illus. Describes colliery, its equipment & operations.
Higgins, Hal. Glory days: pro baseball in Cape Breton. Cape Bretoner, 3:3 (November 1994), 24-5. Recalls Colliery League with profiles of Eddy Gillis & Lenny Merullo.
Hiscott, Elizabeth J. A lasting monument. Atlantic Advocate, 57:12 (August 1967), 19. Illus. Describes Glace Bay's Miners' Museum.
Humber, William. Toiling in the Maritime minors: Cape Breton's coal mining league. Dugout, 2:1 (April 1994), 7-9. Illus. History of baseball league in colliery communities, 1905-39.
Janigan, Mary. Anger down by the sea. Maclean's, 101:39 (19 September 1988), 21-3. Illus. Describes economic problems of Glace Bay.
Jensen, Jane McEldowney. Self-improvement in a Cape Breton coal town: an ethnographic study of education and development. Unpublished PhD thesis, Indiana University, 1997, 251pp. Fns. Tables. Apps. Biblio. Examines how residents of coal-mining town seek to improve their lives & community through education, & role of education in survival of cultural identity.
Johnson, Walter R. The coal trade of British America, with researches on the characters and practical values of American and foreign coals. Washington: Taylor & Maury/Philadelphia: A Hart, 1850, 179pp. Tables. Detailed analysis of British North American coalfields, quality, quantity, mining methods & comparison with American industry. Much on Cape Breton.
Kingston, CB. The International colliery, Bridgeport, Cape Breton. Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, 5, Part I (January 1891), 19-30. General description of its operations.
Lamey, Christina M. Davis Day through the years: a Cape Breton coalmining tradition. Nova Scotia Historical Review, 16:2 (December 1996), 23-33. Fns. History of local holiday's evolution.
Legere, Ben. Starving Nova Scotia's miners. Nation, 120:3117 (1 April 1925), 353-4. Reports on miners' strike.
Longley, JW. Nova Scotia coal mines. Canadian Magazine, 1:2 (April 1893), 111-17. Traces history of coal mining & favourably describes plans of Whitney syndicate for development & expansion.
Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America; with geological observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. London: John Murray, 1845, 2 vols. Illus. Maps. Vol 2:272pp includes four chapters on Nova Scotia with much on coal resources & mining.
MacDonald, Dan J. Into the mines — as a child. Atlantic Advocate, 57:2 (August 1967), 21-3. Illus. Recollections of Dominion coal miner as told to Ed Payn.
MacDonald, David. A coal town fights for its life. Maclean's, 67:6 (15 March 1954), 24-5, 58, 60, 63. Illus. Describes crisis in Glace Bay because of declining coal mining industry & considers its future.
MacDonald, Margaret. With Margaret MacDonald of Glace Bay. Cape Breton's Magazine, 25 (June 1980), 1-8. Illus. Reprinted as 'Margaret MacDonald, Glace Bay: one miner's family' in Ron Caplan (ed), Cape Breton lives: a book from Cape Breton's Magazine (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1988), 35-46. Illus. Describes life of coal miner's wife.
MacEwan, Paul. Miners and steelworkers. Toronto: Samuel Stevens Hakkert, 1976, 400pp. Illus. Map. Fns. Biblio. Index. History of miners & steelworkers in Cape Breton.
MacLeod, Donald. Colliers, colliery safety and workplace control: the Nova Scotian experience, 1873 to 1910. Canadian Historical Association Historical Papers (1983), 226-53. Fns. Argues that most important changes in colliery safety were spearheaded by miners, inspired by belief in statute-making as means of reordering industrial relations.
Miners, mining men and mining reform: changing the technology of Nova Scotian gold mines and collieries, 1858 to 1910. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1981, 642pp. Fns. Biblio. Examines how & why diverse group of Nova Scotians set out to achieve fundamental changes in technical practices in the province's gold & coal mines.
Magill, DW. Migration and occupational mobility from a Nova Scotia coal mining town. Unpublished MA thesis, McGill University, 1964, 84pp. Fns. Tables. Apps. Biblio. Examines impact of migration & occupational mobility on Cape Breton town as result of declining coal mining industry.
Manley, Jody Ann. The coal strike of 1981: an examination of the collective bargaining relationship in the Cape Breton coal mines. Unpublished Master of Industrial Relations thesis, Queen's University, 1987, 88pp. Fns. Apps. Biblio. Describes first major labour disruption in coal mines since government takeover in 1967.
Manley, John. Preaching the red stuff: communism and the Cape Breton miners, 1922-1935. Labour/Le Travail, 30 (Fall 1992), 65-114. Fns. Examines role of Communism in Cape Breton miners' union.
Martell, JS. Early coal mining in Nova Scotia. Dalhousie Review, 25 (1945-6), 156-72. Fns. Reprinted in Don MacGillivray & Brian Tennyson (eds), Cape Breton historical essays (Sydney: College of Cape Breton Press, 1980), 41-53. Brief history of coal mining from 1784 to 1840s.
McCawley, Stuart. Standing the gaff! 'The soreness of the soul of Cape Breton'. Glace Bay: privately published, 1925, 30pp. Illus. Some chapters first published in [Halifax] Morning Chronicle & New Glasgow Evening News. Describes unjust treatment of miners.
McGillivray, Alexander & Duncan McIntyre. Cape Breton miners speaking, 1888. Cape Breton's Magazine, 46 (August 1987), 54-7. Illus. Charts. Notes. Excerpt from transcript of evidence given by two Cape Breton miners, from report of royal commission on relations of labor & capital (1888).
McIntosh, Robert. A community transformed. The Nova Scotia coal miners: 1879 to 1925. Unpublished MA thesis, Carleton University, 1985, 181pp. Fns. App. Biblio. History of coal mining community, with emphasis on social aspects. Much on Cape Breton.
Canada's boy miners. Beaver, 67:6 (December 1987/January 1988), 34-8. Illus. Brief history of use of boys in coal mines. Much on Cape Breton.
'Grotesque faces and figures': child labourers and coal mining technology in Victorian Nova Scotia. Scientia Canadensis, 12:2 (Fall/Winter 1988), 97-112. Fns. Argues that increased use of boy labour in Nova Scotian coal mines was caused by technological improvements. Much on Cape Breton.
The boys in the Nova Scotian coal mines: 1873-1923. Acadiensis, 16:2 (Spring 1987), 35-50. Fns. Reprinted in David Frank & Gregory Kealey (eds), Labour and working class history in Atlantic Canada: a reader (St John's: Memorial University Institute for Social & Economic Research,1995), 147-62. Traces use of boys in mining. Much on Cape Breton.
The family economy and boy labour in Sydney Mines, 1871-1901. Nova Scotia Historical Review, 13:2 (1993), 87-100. Fns. Tables. Argues that conventional assumptions linking employment of children with family survival need to be reconsidered.
McIntyre, Archie. Fighting the mine masters. Bill McNeil, Voice of the pioneer (Toronto: Macmillan, 1978), 18-24. Recollections of union struggles in Cape Breton coal mines.
McIntyre, Ronald. The collier's tattletale. Antigonish: Formac, 1980, 181pp. Illus. Recollections of Cape Breton miner.
The 'pluck-me' store. Cape Breton Mirror, 2:6 (May 1953), 9. Describes company stores at turn of century.
McIsaac, DA. Pit horses. Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1930), 1-7. Outline of their use & care by Dominion Steel & Coal Corporation's veterinary surgeon.
McKay, Ian. 'By wisdom, wile or war': the Provincial Workmen's Association and the struggle for working class independence in Nova Scotia, 1867-1897. Labour/Le Travail, 18 (Fall 1986), 13-62. Illus. Fns. Examines role of PWA re changes in policy & growth of radicalism, particularly under Robert Drummond.
The crisis of dependent development: class conflict in the Nova Scotia coalfields, 1872-1876. Canadian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 13:1-2 (Spring 1988), 9-48. Fns. Reprinted in Gregory S Kealey (ed), Class, gender and region: essays in Canadian historical sociology (St John's: Committee on Canadian Labour History, 1988), 9-48. Examines 1870s social & economic crisis in Nova Scotian coalfields. Much on Cape Breton.
McKay, Shona. An inferno beneath the sea. Maclean's, 97:17 (23 April 1984), 24. Illus. Reports on fire in No 26 colliery.
McKenzie, Neil C. The United Mine Workers in Nova Scotia: their motives and methods. Sydney Mines: privately published, 1910, 16pp. Highly critical of UMWA, which began representing Cape Breton miners in 1908 in place of Provincial Workmen's Association.
McLachlan, JB. Still fighting at Glace Bay. International Socialist Review, 10 (September 1910), 1102-4. Excerpt reprinted in Irving Abella & David Miller (eds), The Canadian worker in the twentieth century (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978), 45-7. Discusses causes of 1909 strike by coal miners.
McMullan, AM. Some history of early co-ops in Nova Scotia. Canadian Co-operative Digest, 3: Congress Issue (April 1960), 37-9. Reprints 1906 letter of AM McMullan of Bridgeport to WL Mackenzie King, deputy minister of labour, outlining difficulties of first consumer co-ops among coal miners.
McNeil, Patrick, Bert Gouthro & Archie MacDonald. Horses in the coal mines. Cape Breton's Magazine, 32 (August 1982), 36-43. Illus. Note. Reprinted in Ron Caplan (ed), Cape Breton works: more lives from Cape Breton's Magazine (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1996), 185-96. Illus. Recollections of working with horses in coal mines to 1981.
Mellor, John. The company store: James Bryson McLachlan and the Cape Breton coal miners 1900-1925. Toronto: Doubleday, 1983, 362pp. Illus. Fns. Biblio. Index. Reprinted Halifax: Formac, 1984. Biography of labour leader & struggle for rights of coal miners.
Mifflen, Philip S. A history of trade unionism in the coal mines of Nova Scotia. Unpublished MA thesis, Catholic University of America, 1951, 93pp. Fns. History of trade unionism from 1879 to 1951. Much on Cape Breton.
Mifflen, Sydney C. Practice in the Nova Scotia coal mines of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Limited. Anonymous, Mining in Canada (NP: General Committee of Sixth Commonwealth Mining & Metallurgical Congress, nd [1957?]), 584-97. Illus. Describes its operations. Not found.
Miller, Dorothy Gray. Emergency. Canadian Nurse, 75:5 (May 1979), 46-50. Illus. Describes role played by Glace Bay nurses in recent mine explosion.
Millward, Hugh. A model of coalfield development: six stages exemplified by the Sydney field. Canadian Geographer, 29:3 (Autumn 1985), 234-48. Illus. Maps. Fns. Outlines general six-stage model of coalfield development, using Sydney coalfield as case study.
Mine locations and the sequence of coal exploitation on the Sydney coalfield, 1720-1980. Kenneth Donovan (ed). Cape Breton at 200: historical essays in honor of the island's bicentennial, 1785-1985 (Sydney: UCCB Press, 1985), 183-202. Maps. Fns. Traces pattern of mine development.
Mine operators and mining leases on Nova Scotia's Sydney coalfield, 1720 to the present. Nova Scotia Historical Review, 13:2 (1993), 67-86. Maps. Fns. Reconstructs pattern of leaseholdings, arguing that changing lease arrangements had clear impact on scale & capitalization of companies & on where & when mining activity occurred.
Mining and landscape modification on the Sydney coalfield. Douglas Day (ed), Geographical perspectives on the Maritime provinces (Halifax: Saint Mary's University, 1988), 76-92. Maps. Fns. Biblio. Examines impact of coal mining on landscape in Sydney area since 1860s.
The development, decline, and revival of mining on the Sydney coalfield. Canadian Geographer, 28:2 (Summer 1984), 180-5. Illus. Fns. Brief history of coal mining in Sydney area.
Miners' Museum. Memorial booklet of those killed in the coal mines of Nova Scotia 1867-1985. Glace Bay, 1985, 176pp. Lists names of miners, dates & names of mines.
Mitchell, JC. Early mining of coal in Glace Bay district, CB. Canadian Mining Journal, 33:16 (15 August 1912), 547-51. Illus. Map. Describes mining in late 1850s.
Moore, Marat. 'It's in our blood': the UMWA in Nova Scotia. United Mine Workers Journal, 96:11 (December 1985), 11-15. Illus. History of coal mining & union activity in Nova Scotia, with much on Cape Breton.
Morrison, James A. Labour management relations in the coal mining industry of Nova Scotia. Unpublished MA thesis, Acadia University, 1960, 114pp. Fns. Biblio. History from 1879.
Morrison, James R. Canada's oldest coal mine. Teamwork (October 1948), np. Illus. History of Blockhouse mine at Port Morien.
Muise, Delphin A. Coal mining in Nova Scotia. Ottawa: National Museum of Man & National Film Board, 1981, 26pp. Biblio. Canada's Visual History Series 55. History of coal mining, with much on Cape Breton, intended for classroom use. Extensive set of colour slides included.
The General Mining Association and Nova Scotia's coal. Bulletin of Canadian Studies, 6:2/7:1 (Autumn 1983), 70-87. Fns. History of GMA to 1850s.
The making of an industrial community: Cape Breton coal towns, 1867-1900. Don MacGillivray & Brian Tennyson (eds), Cape Breton historical essays (Sydney: College of Cape Breton Press, 1980), 76-94. Fns. Tables. Examines evolution & social composition of coal mining communities in Cape Breton.
— & Robert G McIntosh. Coal mining in Canada: a historical and comparative overview. Ottawa: National Museum of Science & Technology, 1996, 94pp. Illus. Fns. Biblio. Historical assessment of technological, material cultural, social & political evolution of underground coal mining. Much on Cape Breton.
Muise, George. Cape Breton draegerman at Westray: George Muise, New Waterford. Cape Breton's Magazine, 62 (January 1993), 1-14. Illus. Note. Describes participation in rescue effort at Westray mine explosion.
Myers, D James. Hard times — hard ball: the Cape Breton Colliery League, 1936-1939. Unpublished MA thesis, Saint Mary's University, 1997, 176pp. Fns. Biblio. Examines league's relationship to communities of industrial Cape Breton, arguing that towns banded together to ensure success despite social, political & economic conditions.
Naish, Gordon. Gordon Naish: Dosco miner introduction. Cape Breton's Magazine, 42 (June 1986), 17-24. Illus. Note. Recalls development of Dosco continuous miner & its role in Cape Breton mines.
Nearing, Claude. The Cape Breton Colliery League. Cape Bretoner, 6:4 (Special Edition, 1998), 60. Illus. Brief history.
Nova Scotia. Department of Mines. A history of coal in Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1978, np. Maps. Information Series 2. Brief history, with much on Cape Breton.
Nova Scotia. Report of the royal commission respecting the coal mines of the province of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1926, 64pp. Apps. Also published in House of Assembly Journals (1926), Appendix 37. Report of Sir Andrew Duncan on state of industry & labour problems.
Report of the royal commission respecting the coal mines of the province of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1932, 32pp. Apps. Also published in House of Assembly Journals (1932), Appendix No 31. Report of Sir Andrew Duncan on state of industry.
Odell, CM. Men and methods of the early days of mining in Cape Breton. Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 25 (1922), 503-29. Describes coal mining in later nineteenth century & prominent men.
Pelley, Edith. Edith Pelley, William Davis' daughter. Cape Breton's Magazine, 60 (June 1992), 45-54. Illus. Notes. Recollections of her father's death in 1925 & its impact on her family.
Penfold, Steven. 'Have you no manhood in you?'Gender and class in the Cape Breton coal towns, 1920-1926. Acadiensis, 23:2 (Spring 1994), 21-44. Fns. Reprinted in Joy Parr & Mark Rosenfeld (eds), Gender and history in Canada (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1996), 270-93. Analysis of gender dynamics & class conflict in 1920s.
Petrie, JR. Maritime coal: a national problem. Canadian Business, 18:7 (July 1945), 24-6, 82, 86, 88, 98. Illus. Major examination of problems of Cape Breton coal industry with recommendations.
Pittman, Billy et al. The 'Pluck Me': life and death of the company store. Ron Caplan (ed), Down north: the book of Cape Breton's Magazine (Toronto: Doubleday, 1980), 47-50. Illus. Recollections of company stores, focusing on 1925 strike & murder of William Davis.
Raine, Norman Reilly. Toilers under the sea. Maclean's, 38:1 (1 January 1925), 20-1, 51-2; 38:2 (15 January 1925), 20, 38-40; 38:3 (1 February 1925), 12, 52-5. Illus. Reports on visit to Cape Breton to find out why there was so much labour unrest.
Reilly, Sharon M. The Provincial Workmen's Association of Nova Scotia, 1879-1898. Unpublished MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1979, 200pp. Fns. Apps. Biblio. History of PWA from its formation to resignation of first grand secretary.
Ripley, Ralph. The growth of a mining town. [Glace Bay Miners' Museum] Museum Notes, 1 (June 1977), 4pp. Illus. Brief history of mining at Glace Bay & growth of town.
Ryan, Judith Hoegg. The mine. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, 64pp. Illus. History of coal mining, placing Cape Breton industry in broader context.
Samson, Daniel Joseph. The making of a Cape Breton coal town: dependent development in Inverness, Nova Scotia, 1899-1915. Unpublished MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1988, 207pp. Fns. Biblio. Examines critical period when Inverness emerged as industrial town, as case study in dependent development.
Schwartzman, David. Mergers in the Nova Scotia coalfields: a history of the Dominion Coal Company, 1893-1940. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1953, 313pp. Fns. Tables. Biblio. Published by University of California Press, 1953. Argues that mergers were primarily aimed at exploiting investors.
Shields, Edward John. A history of trade unionism in Nova Scotia. Unpublished MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1945, 119pp. Fns. Biblio. Much on Provincial Workmen's Association & United Mine Workers in Cape Breton.
Skillin Jr, Edward. New houses and new men: Nova Scotia miners raise themselves nearer security through cooperation. Commonweal, 30:17 (18 August 1939), 388-90. Illus. Describes cooperative housing project at Reserve Mines organized by Mary Arnold.
Steele, Joseph. The big strike 1909-1910. Unpublished MA thesis, St Francis Xavier University, 1960, 98pp. Fns. Biblio. History of 1909 coal miners' strike.
Timmons, Sid. Sid Timmons: pit stories. Cape Breton's Magazine, 48 (June 1988), inside front cover, 65-8. Illus. Notes. Interviewed by Brian Sutcliffe. Reprinted as 'Sid Timmons: stories from the coal pit' in Ron Caplan (ed), Another night: Cape Breton stories true & short & tall (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1995), 185-94. Anecdotes about life in mines, beginning when he was ten years old.
Tuck, Robert C. Gothic dreams: the life and times of a Canadian architect, William Critchlow Harris, 1854-1913. Toronto: Dundurn, 1978, 252pp. Illus. Fns. Apps. Index. Biography. Includes chapter on design & construction of Broughton.
William Harris — architect of Broughton. Cape Breton's Magazine, 46 (August 1987), 21-7. Illus. Notes. Excerpt from Robert C Tuck, Gothic dreams: the life and times of a Canadian architect, William Critchlow Harris, 1854-1913 (Toronto: Dundurn, 1978). Describes his design of Broughton for Cape Breton Coal, Iron & Railway Company in 1904.
Tutty, Tius. Tius Tutty and handpick mining. Ron Caplan (ed), Down north: the book of Cape Breton's Magazine (Toronto: Doubleday, 1980), 42-6. Illus. Excerpt from Tius Tutty, 'Tius Tutty, codfish and handpick mining', Cape Breton's Magazine, 8 (June 1974), 5-11. Illus. Recollections of working in mines.
Usher, Mary. A woman's view. Atlantic Advocate, 50:5 (January 1960), 46, 48. Illus. Interview with wife of coal miner about conditions & hopes for future.
Vallières, Gérard. The men who work half a mile beneath the ocean floor. Weekend Magazine, 22:30 (22 July 1972), 2-4, 6. Illus. Describes working conditions in No 12 colliery near New Waterford.
Wylie, William NT. Coal culture: the history and commemoration of coal mining in Nova Scotia. Ottawa: Historic Sites & Monuments Board of Canada, 1997, 252pp. Illus. Maps. Fns. Biblio. Traces history of coal mining, examines present state of commemoration, & proposes that Glace Bay, Stellarton & Springhill be declared sites of national historic significance.
Akerman, Jeremy. Wake up coaltown. Lesley Choyce, The Cape Breton collection (Porter's Lake: Pottersfield Press, 1984), 18-26. Short story set in mining community.
Wednesday's child. Lesley Choyce (ed), The Pottersfield portfolio (Porter's Lake: Pottersfield Press, 1980), 2:34-5. Short story set in Cape Breton mining town.
Barkhouse, Joyce. Pit pony. Toronto: Gage, 1990, 116pp. Illus. Children's novel about boy working in Cape Breton coal mine & a pit pony.
Cameron, Silver Donald. 'Ah, Mister Man, we had some good times'. Weekend Magazine (12 October 1974), 23-6. Illus. Reprinted as 'Confessions of a Cape Breton moonshiner'. Silver Donald Cameron, Sterling silver: rants, raves & revelations (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1994), 127-36. Recollections of moonshining in New Waterford.
Behind the rising sun. Weekend Magazine, 26:47 (20 November 1976), 8-10, 14. Illus. Describes visit of Men of the Deeps to Tokyo.
Underground in China. Weekend Magazine, 26:48 (27 November 1976), 4-6. Illus. Reprinted in Silver Donald Cameron, Sterling silver: rants, raves & revelations (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1994), 147-58. Part 1 of series describing tour of China by Men of the Deeps.
Currie, Sheldon. The company store. Toronto: Oberon Books, 1988, 133pp. Excerpts previously published as 'Pomp and circumstances', Antigonish Review, 28 (Winter 1977), 33-64; 'The lovers', Montreal Review, 1:1 (Spring/Summer 1979), 40-4; 'The accident', Canadian Fiction Magazine, 46 (1983), 120-31, & in David Helwig & Sandra Martin (eds), 85: Best Canadian stories (Kingston: privately published, nd [1986?]), 69-87; Canadian Author & Bookman. Novel set in Cape Breton.
The Glace Bay miners' museum. Antigonish Review, 24 (Winter 1975), 35-53. Reprinted in Sheldon Currie, The Glace Bay Miners Museum (Ste Anne de Bellevue: Deluge Press, 1979), 7-22. Reprinted in James O Taylor (ed), An underlying reverence: stories of Cape Breton (Sydney: UCCB Press, 1994), 33-48. Reprinted in Sheldon Currie, The story so far ... (Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1997), 89-112. Short story set in Glace Bay.
The Glace Bay Miners Museum. Ste Anne de Bellevue: Deluge Press, 1979, 118pp. Collection of short stories set in Cape Breton. See separate entries.
The Glace Bay Miners' Museum — the novel. Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1995, 130pp. Novel set in mining community.
Donovan, Rita. Dark jewels. Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1990, 224pp. Novel based on economic & spiritual poverty of Cape Breton coal mining community.
Fowke, Edith. Labour and industrial protest songs in Canada. Journal of American Folklore, 82:323 (January/March 1969), 34-50. Notes. Discusses origins & uses of labour & industrial folk music, focusing on songs of Cape Breton miners.
Fraser, Dawn. Dawn Fraser's narrative verse and comments. 3rd ed. Glace Bay: Eastern Publishing, nd [1920s], 319pp. Poetry & commentaries on Cape Breton labour & political problems of the 1920s.
Echoes from labor's war: industrial Cape Breton in the 1920s. Toronto: New Hogtown Press, 1976, 93pp. Biblio. Introduction by David Frank & Donald MacGillivray. Poetry excerpted from various Dawn Fraser publications 1919-44 dealing with Cape Breton labour & political problems of the 1920s. Reprinted as Echoes from labor's wars: the expanded edition. Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 1992, 117pp. Includes more poems by Fraser & his autobiography.
King coal versus poison gas and oil. Glace Bay: Eastern Publishing, nd, 15pp. Poems & anecdotes on political themes.
The crime of Johnny Kyle and other stuff. Glace Bay: Eastern, nd [1920s], 24pp. Poetry on labour issues.
Gray, Francis. Seaside burial: Cape Breton threnody. Dalhousie Review, 29:2 (July 1949), 166. Poem about 1938 accident at Princess Colliery that killed sixteen men.
Kennedy, Martin. The price of coal, the price of silence. Cape Bretoner, 1:2 (December 1992), 19, 30. Short story about coal mine explosion.
Lill, Wendy. The Glace Bay Miners' Museum: a play based on the novel by Sheldon Currie. Burnaby: Talonbooks, 1996, 126pp. Also published in Australasian Drama Studies, 29 (October 1996), 115-54. Introduction by Joanne Tompkins. Tragic love story set in Cape Breton mining community.
MacDonald, Helen C & Eleanor L Anderson (eds). Treasured memories and recipes from a coal mining town, Glace Bay. Glace Bay: Miners' Village Restaurant, nd, 84pp. Illus. Short remembrances of life in Glace Bay over the years plus local recipes.
MacGillivray, Alistair. Diamonds in the rough: 25 years with the Men of the Deeps. New Waterford: Men of the Deeps Music, 1991, 159pp. Illus. Discography. History of miners' choir, including recollections & profiles.
MacLennan, Hugh. Each man's son. Toronto: Macmillan/Boston: Little Brown, 1951, 244pp. Reprinted London: Heinemman, 1952, 239pp. Reprinted Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1962, 1965, 222pp. Reprinted Toronto: Macmillan, 1971, 1978, 1982, 1988, 246pp. Novel set in Broughton.
O'Donnell , John C (comp). 'And now the fields are green': a collection of coal mining songs in Canada. Sydney: UCCB Press, 1992, 229pp. Discography. Biblio. Index. Music & words of coal mining songs, many from Cape Breton.
Blackleg miners in Cape Breton. Canadian Folk Music Bulletin, 18:3 (July 1984), 1-4. Discusses folk-songs dealing with 'scab' labour & reprints two coal-mining songs from Cape Breton, with notes.
Industrial songs as part of a culture. International Journal of Music Education, 6 (November1985), 7-11. Notes. Discusses significance of industrial folk songs as part of Cape Breton culture.
Labour's cultural impact on the community: a Cape Breton perspective. Canadian Folk Music Journal, 14 (1986), 49-59. Fns. Using Men of the Deeps as example, argues that labour can have strong cultural impact on community. Includes scores & words of several mining songs.
New Waterford's explosion, 1917 – 2 songs from And Now the Fields Are Green. Cape Breton's Magazine, 63 (June 1993), 81-2. Illus. Note. Two songs about 1917 mine explosion, from 'And now the fields are green': a collection of coal mining songs in Canada (Sydney: UCCB Press, 1992). Includes musical scores.
The Men of the Deeps. Waterloo: Waterloo Music Company, 1975, 63pp. Illus. Words & scores of mining songs sung by Men of the Deeps.
Towards a collection of coal-mining songs in Canada. Canadian Folk Music Journal, 12 (1984), 30-7. Lists known songs & collections, many from Cape Breton.
Shedden, Leslie. Leslie Shedden, Glace Bay photographer. Cape Breton's Magazine, 32 (August 1982), inside front cover, 47-8, inside back cover, back cover. Illus. Notes. Recollections of photographer about his work recording mining industry.
Anderson, Eleanor L. Broughton: Cape Breton's ghost town. NP [Glace Bay?]: privately published, nd, 91pp. Illus. Map. Biblio. History of town & Cape Breton Coal, Iron & Railway Company that built it.
Archibald, Edith J. Bed-time stories for my grandchildren. NP [Halifax]: privately published, 1910, 40pp. Illus. Recollections of life at Seaview, Port Morien, by wife of former mine owner.
Arnold, Mary Ellicott. The story of Tompkinsville. New York: Cooperative League, 1940, 102pp. Illus. Refs. Apps. Story of housing cooperative that built affordable housing near Reserve.
Boutilier, Ted et al. 50 years: fiftieth anniversary 1901-1951. Glace Bay, 1951, 100pp. Illus. Brief history of Glace Bay.
New Waterford Local: a history the New Waterford Local Nova Scotia Teachers' Union 1929-1982. New Waterford: privately published, 1982, 15pp. Brief history.
— (ed). New Waterford sixty. The story of New Waterford, the town, its organizations and its people 1913-1973. New Waterford, 1973, 104pp. Illus. Brief history.
New Waterford three score & ten: seventy years of civic history. New Waterford: New Waterford 70th Anniversary Publication Committee, 1983, 127pp. Illus. History of town from 1913 incorporation to 1983.
— (ed). The New Waterford story, 1913-1963. New Waterford, 1963, 64pp. Illus. Brief history.
Three generations — New Waterford, 1913-1988. New Waterford: Town of New Waterford, 1988, 165pp. Illus. History of town.
Bray, Thomas. Port Morien 1720-1970: come home week. Port Morien: Community Development Association, nd [1970], 103pp. Illus. Commemorative booklet with anecdotal history, poetry, etc.
Danyluk, Mike. Glace Bay 1901-1995: excerpts from the past and present. Glace Bay: privately published, nd [1995], 88pp. Illus. Aspects of Glace Bay history.
Robinson, Cyril. Glace Bay. Canadian Geographical Journal, 69 (September 1964), 89-95. Illus. History & description.
Sidney, Bill et al. The Glace Bay 'Cinderella' Miners. Cape Breton's Magazine, 51 (June 1989), back cover, 65-92. Illus. Notes. Recollections of 1955-56 hockey team.
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