Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clipping

30 January 1918. — 4 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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Halifax Disaster Relief Office
Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.

One common saying, frequently indulged in by many I must dissent from, that good business methods and sentiment cannot be associated. I prefer to believe that good business and practical sentiment never should be separated.
Of the treatment of the Halifax Relief Board, in reply to our suggestion that they should stand by us in our work of relief it gives us great pleasure to report that they unconditionally responded to all our requests. Our relations with every member of the Board, the Secretary and Chairman of each department, all of whom we have had to deal with have been most courteous and satisfactory.
While this report at this stage, we consider is in order, yet, our work in relief is not ended, as we have in our care four families in rented houses and eleven children boarding, thirty-seven people in all and two cases in the Ainslie Hospital.
Appended is the Auditor's report showing our financial position. My work has been materially facilitated by the satisfactory manner Mr. Crowe has handled the funds. He has been an ideal Treasurer.
(Signed) Geo. W. Stuart
Chairman Truro Relief Committee.
I have today examined the books and vouchers of the Truro Relief Committee and find then correct.
The collections and contributions from all sources amount to $10,178.03. The disbursements amount to $7,046.19, leaving a cash balance on hand of $3,131.84, which is on deposit in the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
(Sgd.) G.W. Reid
N.B. - I understand that there are bills and accounts outstanding amounting to approximately $150.00.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 83

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