Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"The Effect of the Halifax Explosion upon the Diocese of Nova Scotia and the Diocesan Funds"

14 February 1918. — 1 page : 30 x 40 cm.

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The Effect of the Halifax Disaster Upon the Diocese of Nova Scotia and the Diocesan Funds.
The Halifax disaster must obviously have a far more wide-reaching effect than upon the city and the city churches alone. The whole Diocese will feel the effect of it. Many neighboring parishes have had funerals of some of their men who were working in Halifax and perished in the disaster.
The Diocese generally cannot too soon realise[realize] the fact that for some years to come the accustomed relation of the Cathedral City to the rest of the Diocese must be reversed. Ever since Nova Scotia became a Diocese the rest of the Diocese has looked to Halifax for extensive financial assistance, and it has never looked in vain. At present the Halifax and Dartmouth churches have been giving nearly one-third of the total amount raised by the Diocesan Mission Board. The same proportion will be found, we think, to hold true of most of the other Diocesan funds. Whenever a country parish has suffered disaster, has wished to build a church or to seek help in any way, it has generally appealed to the churchpeople of the city. Now all this must be in a large measure reversed. The rest of the Diocese must stand solidly behind the stricken churches of the Cathedral City and aid them in the work of restoration.
One of the very best ways in which most of the parishes in the Diocese can help at the present time will be to take immediate steps to become if possible completely self-supporting and independent of aid from the Diocesan Mission Board or from the Church Endowment Fund, and if this is not possible, to arrange to provide to the very best of their ability for such an increase in the stipend of their rector that as little as possible will be needed from outside sources to make his stipend come up to the canonical amount. The country parishes, too, must do more than they have ever done before for the missionary work of the church.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 302

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