14 January 1917. — %>4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
MG 1 vol 2124 number 288a
Blanc." One house on Laurence St has a piece of the ship which is at least 15 lbs weight. It has the following shape:-
4. In one house on Allen St. the owner had his outside sashes on at the time of the explosion. The remarkable fact concerning this is that the two lower panes were broken in his outside sash, while the two upper ones were broken in the inside sash, the other panes were left unhurt.
[diagram of window]
5. One house which was the only one we visited which was practically undamaged had nothing but one small pane in the back of the house broken. The owner's plaster was also undamaged. The owner
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 288
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/?ID=288
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