15 March 1918. — %>4 pages : 30 x 40 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
MG 1 VOL 2124 number 238
Dr. W. W. Woodbury.
Communicated personally to Director, March 15, 1918, at 72 Victoria Road.
On December 6th was in his office in Spring Garden Road, over Walsh's Drug Store, expection [sic] a nine o'clock patent who was a bit late He was standing at the basin washing his hands to be ready. Miss McDonald was in her room. The office is not supported by a column underneath in the shop. W. noticed a folding dental-operating light, which projects from the wall, bobbing up and down. W's first impression was a blast. later came a terrific crash. "That's a submarine." he thought. the girls were cool. He called "Go to the cellar." He also called to the janitor's wife, Mrs. Paul, who was upstairs to go to the cellar. He found the door, which faces North, was jammed inward. He kicked it and let the women through. Went back and heard Mrs. Paul crying "Oh, my baby! My baby!" The baby was cut over the eye but not much hurt. The woman excited and uncontrollable would not go down into the cellar. W. then ran into the street. Saw the Rev. Mr. Huddlestone, who he thought had been in his study at the First Baptist Church. H. told w. "The citadel has blown up." Saw cloud of smoke over citadel. Heard about danger of second explosion about 10.30. Saw mechanics running south as fast as they could run, with "eyes staring," Had gone to see his uncle in Barrington St. Then went to his own home 225 Robie. Saw his brother in South St. near Robie. Saw "tide" of people coming down Robie St. from the North. This is a rout without the Germans" Found his mother in the Golf-Grounds, warmly wrapped up. Remained there about half-an-hour and then returned home before word came that all was safe. Went to the Y.M.C.A.
2 January 1918. Letter, Boston, Mass. E.A. Cadman to Dr. W. W. Woodbury, regarding work done at the Y.M.C.A. Hospital, credit for effort.
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 238
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/?ID=238
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