Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Mr. Percy Stranger

3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

MG 1 volume 2124 number 230

Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.

Mr. Percy Strong, sales-agent Acadia Sugar-Refining Co.
Home 'Waverly House.'

Wished first to make statement regarding the ladies and gentlemen who worked at the Green Lantern--"the original volunteer crowd, who did the hard, dirty work". Chair-man French Consul Gaboury. Charlie Ackhurst did the work. Not ashamed to say he worked on it himself. Mentioned Mr. Major, Sergeant Huston, J. Leslie McDuff of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. Also Mrs. James Slayter, Mrs. George Hensley and Mrs. Percy Strong, Also Mr. F. K. Warren, and Harris. Mr. Strong was strolling along Hollis St. on the morning of the 6th. It was a perfect morning. He had lighted a cigarette and was opposite the Halifax Club when the explosion occurred. He was thrown into a door-way and covered with dirt. His impression was that the Germans had the range and were bombarding the city. Was much impressed by the absolute stillness which followed the explosion and lasted, as it seemed to him, from three to five minutes. It was like a 'deserted city'. He saw Colonel Panet coming out of the Halifax Club, followed by Constantine, who said "Get us a doctor, I am bleeding to death". Mr. S. was ten minutes late for his office--otherwise he would have been killed--for the window of heavy British plate glass came down on the desk at which he regularly sat. Almost immediately the alarm came to go south--danger of a second explosion. He was warned by a blue-jacket. Went over Citadel Hill. Saw half-dressed people with wounds not bandaged. He went out towards All Saint's Cathedral looking for Mrs. Strong.

Sales agent, Acadian Sugar Refinery Company, home, "Waverley House".

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 230

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