Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Mr. L. A. Miles of National Drug Company of Canada

3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

MG 1 VOL 2124 number 205A



Some of the employees were about, so he bot them to work and they boarded up the front of the building by 10 p.m. In the meantime many of them were busy passing out medical and surgical supplies to all who asked. They ran out of surgical dressings and supplies by 6 o'clock and telegraphed for more. About $3,000 or $4000 worth of surgical dressings were given out that day. The next day it was just the same, but after that there was some sort of organization. It was two weeks before business got back to anything like normal. They did no country business during that time.

Note. A lady (Mrs. Albert Sheppard) came about the time of the alarm for the second explosion. She had not heard of the alarm, and wanted to go to the Dock Yard. She had been a nurse before her marriage. Asked Mr. M. for supplies. he fitted her out. Then someone told her about the danger of a second explosion. She said "They need me there, there are no nurses, I'll go." Went to the street and asked man in a motor to driver her to the Dock Yard. He refused at first, but was afterwards persuaded to do so A sailor who overheard the conversation offered to go with her and together they went to the D.Y. and remained all day.

Christian Church

19 attendants, of whom 12 were members in full communion, of this church were killed. Many were badly injured. Practically all attendants suffered loss, many lost very heavily.
Osborne Wallace, of 90-92 St. Albert St. was in the back of his grocery shop, 92 Albert St. when the explosion came "The whole

Resident, 276 Robie Street. [MacMechan erroneously wrote the names as Myers]

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 205

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