22 February 1918. — %>3 pages : 30 x 40 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mr. Dougal Macgillivray, Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce.
On December 6th noted that it was a beautiful morning "sun like a ball of fire", "a slight haze.", He himself had a peculiar feeling. Described himself as 'keyed
up'. Had gone down to the office at eight o'clock and was calling over Victory Loan. Gave clerk report for General-Manager. Described breaking of glass as, "a tingling rattle of glass", "as if a giant had thrown a huge trail of sleigh-bells on the pavement". He thought it was a German shell. Heard " a whip-crack in the air". His first thought was "absolutely helpless to reply to the menace." Cried out "Get to the basement! Get to the vault!" Soon after saw men in the street who told him that it was an explosion of the magazine which he at once felt was more reasonable. Heard women shrieking. Went over to C.P.R. Telegraph Office and sent wire to the General-Manager of the Bank of Commerce, which was received at Toronto the same afternoon at 2 p. m. He sent the son of David Roche to his father's place to reserve glass and sent his stenographer to his own house in Fenwick Street to find out how his family were. She was not to return, if all was well. Began at once to tidy up in the office. A clerk who was making up money parcels found three of them in the street after the explosion, one parcel about a block away, while five remained in the office. Mr. M. saw "a surge of people" in the streets and was warned by a Naval petty-officer regarding the danger from the powder-magazine. Went out-side with a clerk to the square opposite the bank, "to see the end of things." Could hear the sound of moaning in the air.
MG 1 volume 2124 number 196
Manager, Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 196
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/?ID=196
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