31 January 1918. — %>4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
MG 1 volume 2124 number 189a
Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.
The sister, Mary had a bad gash under her eye. They were too dazed to give any information. She took the wounded sister up [x] to Wellington Barracks where her wounds were washed and bandaged, thence being sent to Camp Hill. Miss Margaret M. went North again and was caught in the second panic, which swept her out to Chain Lake. At 2.15 P.M. a mounted soldier told them to return to the city. A sleigh took Miss Mooney as far as North St. She went down Russell St., as far as St. Mark's, "the ruins of which were smouldering". She did not go as far as her home, as she was certain that her people were alive. She went down Gottingen St. enquiring of all whom she knew. She enquired at the Y.M.C.A., the Infirmary, the Y.W.C.A., then the W.M.C.A. again. Then she went to Camp Hill where she had to wait her turn going in. Felt no sympathy for those she saw, "looking for her own". She located her brother and two sisters. She next [xxx] went to Miss Vail's a friend on Robie St. and rested for quarter of an hour, then went on to the Victoria General Hospital, the School for the Blind, the City Home, the Y.M.C.A., St. Paul's Hall, St. Paul's Church, the Knights of Columbus Club the Y.W.C.A. Stopped seeking at one [x(x] o'clock. Stayed with the Miss Vail's, Started out again at 8 a. m. Went to Dr. Mader's, Camp Hill, the tents on the Common, the Armouries, the 85th huts, and the Citadel. Went North again, to North St. and down Russell but not as far as her home. In the afternoon the blizzard forced her to visit a friend on Maynard St. She continued her search for several succeeding days. On Saturday December 8th Miss Mooney received a telephone message from her lame brother, Harry, He had gone to the ruins, and [xxxxx] found three skulls together upon a bed-spring,
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 189
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/?ID=189
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