%>2 pages : 30 x 38 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
MG 1 vol 2124 number 178
Flame Night of the Mount {sic} Blanc Explosion
On the morning of the 6th of December, the day of the above explosion, I was steaming in towards the harbour and about fifteen miles from the scene, I happened at the time to be looking in that direction as if watching for it altho I little expected to see anything unusual, when suddenly I saw an immense column of smoke shoot up to a very good height with two red and angry looking flames of fire projecting some distance above its summit. The flames were visible but less than a second later a flash of distant lightning and could be seen in several places through the column of smoke.
There was no shock felt anywhere on board of the ship not even a slight jar, But some minutes afterwards two loud reports in quick succession.
The extreme altitude of the flame was about 7° 30' which at that distance (15 miles) would give the height of the flames to be about 12,000 feet, or nearly that.
This altitude is approximate but very near to a comet [illegible] as the spot in the smoke where the flames disappearance was easy to locate.
W. M. Campbell
S S "Acadien"
Pencilled in diagram of angle from S S Acadien up the harbour facing the explosion
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 178
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/?ID=178
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.