Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - J.H. Mitchell

21 December 1917. — 2 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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MG 1 vol 2124 number 172 pencilled in MacMechan Collection



Testimony Regarding Rumours,
Gathered December 21st, 1917. by J. H. M.

Personal Testimony of Mrs. James Mitchell, Hillside Hall.

Miss McNeil, a military nurse at Cogswell St. Hospital, communicated this explosion rumour to Miss Emily Moran, who told Miss Mitchell.

Great alarm in Wood's Bros. Department Store, Granville St.
But the source of rumour could not be traced. This was the answer to majority of other inquiries.

Testimony of Laing, Dalhousie Student, Gottingen St.,

The elevator girl in the Tramway Building told him that a German Prisoner, dying at Bellevue Hospital, had said that Halifax would be blown up on December 20th and expressed a wish that he might be alive to see it.

A similar story was told by an unknown man to the cashier at Kinlay's Drug Store and over-heard by the soda-fountain girl - the dark haired one. She said she knew of several people who wat [sic] up until 5a.m. Thursday. She herself took no credence in the rumour.

Testimony regarding rumours - Mrs. James Mitchell. Testimony of Laing, Dalhousie University. Testimony Blakely, Confectioner, Spring Garden Road.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 172

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