Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Miss M.E. Doane (Mrs. Belcher)

4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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MG 1 vol 2124 number 140a

Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.

children's clothing. The girls helped her to carry these things. Another "crier" XXX "made us go South. We went down Henry St. as far as Morris, but could not find the children." They were in fact at 24 Coburg Road. Remained on the Golf Links until official word came that the danger was over, when they returned to the house about two o'clock. On the Golf Links they found Mrs. Belcher (b.1828), 90 years of age and bed-ridden, who had been carried on a mattress, first through the Dalhousie fields and then to the Links. The old lady was much pleased. She thought she was going to a picnic. When Campbell, the lame man left the house, Aunt Sally insisted on his having an overcoat, and made him put on Mr. Watson's. Campbell is a big man and Watson is remarkably small. After lunch the girls cleaned up the house, working from two to six to make it 'livable'. The art glass in the front door, set in lead, was torn out of its casing. It was bent, but the glass was not broken. Ordinary glass was driven in like fine arrows in the opposite wall. On the morning of Friday, December 7th, Sister McCuish came for breakfast from the Camp Hill Hospital. Miss Doane went with her and worked under her directions in Ward L, from the 7th to the 17th. This the most crowded of the wards. Four children in one bed. Chiefly women and children. Probably 100 cases lying between the beds and along the corridors. Patients had not been washed. Miss Doane removed clothing and washed patients. Took two days to get around the ward. Any quantity of real hot water, etc. Hospital pretty well equipped. Took a week to

"She thought she was going to a picnic".

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 140

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