Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Miss Castell

4 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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MG 1 volume 2124 number 127

Chronicle Building
Halifax, N. S.

Miss Castell,
26 Fenwick Street.

Works in office of Fenwick Nursery, with her father, who is manager of the [Fen] Nursery. Had been learning to drive their motor for some time before December 6th. Had never driven alone.
On the morning of the disaster was in her home about to start for the office. House was very much damaged but no member of the family hurt. Looked over the nursery, found it also "fearfully smashed up". A man named Pring who worked in the nursery wanted to go north to Almon St. to see about his family. Miss Castell asked her father if she might take the car and drive Pring to his home. Mr. Castell said to do whatever she thought best. She went to the South End Garage, where the car was kept. Found the whole end of the building smashed but not a car injured. At least they were all in working condition. Nobody seemed to be there to help so she got some water and filled up the engine herself. There was "lots of gas in the tank". Went back to the nursery to get Pring. By this time they had heard the "second alarm", and her mother was very unwilling that she should leave until the rumor was either confirmed of denied. They all went into the garden, there were "hundreds of people there". It was all muddy and very wet and Miss Castell and her sister and some other girls got boards from the wrecked nursery for people to stand on so that would not take cold. A soldier came before noon she thought and said that the danger was over. Miss C. and Pring started for Almon St. She kept [sayi]

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 127

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