%>3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
MG 1 vol 2124 number 116b
Chronicle Building
Halifax, N. S.
Personal Testimony of Mrs. Henry Bayers, Taken at Pine Hill Hospital, December 21st
Mrs. Bayers is quite old, and very large. She was particularly proud of her house. Had just installed electric light, and had “received the first bill.” On December 6th, at about nine o’clock she was by the dining-room stove, preparing to wash two of her grandchildren, one five days old, the other two months. Her daughter-in-law was with her. Two daughters and a son were still in bed. Then came explosion and crashing wreckage. Mrs. Bayers cried “Lord, have mercy upon us! It’s the end of the world!” The house collapsed completely. She clutched a baby under each arm, and placed them in safety on “a sort of board”. She had been cut by glass, and under her forehead had been hit by the side-board. Her daughter-in-law fainted, and the red-hot stove fell upon her. Mrs. Bayers lifted it off with her naked hands. She heard her children calling her, and saw the babies safe in the arms of their mothers. Tried vainly to lift herself out of the ruins, but lost her shoes and stockings in the attempt. Very proud of having come through with unbroken spectacles. She lost everything, and is too large to obtain new clothing. Her daughter Geneva a professional pianiste, lost two pianos and $150.00. One son, who plays the violin, lost two expensive wooden legs, and is now practically helpless. She herself had severe cuts, and her daughter lost an eye. Mrs. Bayers does not complain. Thinks she is lucky because her husband at Pier 2 only had his hat blown off, and her second son Amos was the only teamster at Hillis’s [illegible] who escaped.
MG 1 vol 2124 number 116b [written at top of page]
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 116
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/macmechan/archives/
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