Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Miss Edith Bauld

4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

MG 1 vol 2124 number 115a

Chronicle Building.
Halifax, N. S.

Miss E. Bauld

Was asleep at the time of the explosion. Thought their house was struck by bomb from an air-plane. Could hear the air-plane. Had hear the engines of air-planes before. Was somewhat dazed. [Ger] “Germans of course”. Found the door of the garage blown in on car, and had some difficulty in removing it. Took the maids to an address in South Park St. to see their sisters. Met Colonel Marshall of 76 Victoria Road, who asked her to take him to his father’s in Windsor St. Other drivers of motors had refused. Was very apologetic. Miss B. drove him to the address in Windsor St. Found him lying on a mattress in field. Was bed-ridden.
NOTE - Director saw Miss Bauld drive up to Colonel Marshall’s house with Mr. Marshall, senior, in the back of the motor. After Mr. Marshall was carried into the house Miss Bauld drove her car along the curb and told Director, on being asked, that she had been warned of a second explosion, and then drove off.
Miss B. Stated she did not believe that a second explosion would take place. Thought that wind-shield might break in her face. Proceeded along Lockman St. until she was told she had better not go any further. Picked up Eric Grant and her sister. Eric got out of the car to take the things off dead people’s faces and inspect them. Went up to Hungry Hill. Found people all out in the fields. Miss B. forgot to tell the friends of injured persons where she took them, but could not do so, as she did not know herself. Left her sister out at Hungry Hill, who had to walk home. Took twelve injured people

MG 1 vol 2124 number 115a [written at top of page]

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 115

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