Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Mrs. Annie Anderson

4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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MG 1 vol 2124 number 114 a



more than wash people. Some were covered with an oily black soot that ruined furniture. Could not tell whether they were negroes or [whit] whites. “Never knew there was such bravery in the human race.” [Eve] Even little children “made no fuss”, when injuries were dressed: Used no chloroform, there was no time, and no hypodermics. Some injured persons just leaned over cars and were “fixed”. Held wounded arms, etc.
December 7th. Miss Bishop, V.O.N., stayed in our office and [atte] attended to injured persons who could call. Mrs. A. went with Dr. D. to cases which could not be moved. Injuries next day were [dreadfull] “dreadfully sore”. They worked in very strange places. Case of Mrs. Moseley, very badly hurt. Lived in rooms over shop. All windows boarded up. No light. Stumbled up stairway. Small room warmed by oil-stove and lighted by oil-lamp. Glass embedded in breast-bone. Arms and face much cut. Had suffered great loss of blood. Case typical. Would find two or three families in two rooms. Very [littl] little blood-poisoning. There was lowering of vitality due to shock. Dr. Dickson gave out after [tird] third day and had to go to bed. [hi] His place was taken by a Dr. Bentley from Michigan, who supplied for two days, when Dr. Dickson resumed his duty.
Relief Measures in Dartmouth
The old Post-Office by the Ferry was used first as a food and clothing depot, but in a week it was found to be too small and inconvenient. Then the Greenvale School was “fixed up” and all relief work was carried on there, until the middle of January. Then the Rosenbergs went south and gave up their house as a hospital, with only one stipulation that no TB should be taken in. This hospital was closed on the last day of February. The house of the late Dr. Parker is being used at the present time. It had been used as an infectious diseases

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 114

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